Circular Letters 2020
Israel: Defender of Gulf States?
An eTPL31 Analysis
September 25, 2020. Arutz Sheva has reported that an influential rabbi has said the King of Bahrain told him “repeatedly” that “our only guarantee for a strong, moderate Arab presence in the Gulf would be a strong Israel." The statement was made by Rabbi Marc Schneier, president of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, who spoke to Arutz Sheva about the Abraham Accords, the Judea/Samaria annexation, current trends in the Gulf, and something he termed not only economic but rather also a true closeness between Israel and Islam.
He pointed out that it was the King of Bahrain who led the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in designating Hezbollah as a terrorist organization as far back as 2015 – a motion which clearly showed an affinity for Israel and its cause.
This legislation also portended a conclusive agreement of its member-states with Israel to be desirable.
He stressed the opinion that solving the challenge of Covid-19 “needs the regional approach where both Israel and the Gulf can ... benefit from each other.”
Secondly, that the Gulf States were concerned that Israel’s possible move to annex added territories would jeopardize the “two state solution” for the Pales******* which the Gulf States favor.
Another factor was, he pointed out, that many Gulf leaders have stated over the years another potential advantage: that they have said to him, “Rabbi with our resources and wealth, and Israel’s brain trust and technology, we could develop the most powerful economic region in the world.”
And finally, a fourth factor is the persistent existential threat from Iran, which both Israel and the Gulf share, and that he believes that the Gulf States are now looking to Israel to be their defender and protector, and to rely less on the United States. He reasoned that “When you have such a great economic and military power right in your back yard, in your neighborhood, why do you have to go thousands of miles away?"
This last statement reflects overtones of the alliance strongly suggested by Ezekiel 38: 13, in which southern neighbors of Israel as it shall then be constituted, voice trepidation to the Gogian invaders of that day, questioning, “Hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey ... to take a great spoil?”
It is merely a statement of uncertainty – whether Gog also intends to attack them as well as Israel (which shall at that time be the consolidated Kingdom of Jesus Christ, in our opinion. The question is never answered ... and Gog is utterly destroyed probably in one day!). But it reflects the presence of peoples south of Israel who are on friendly terms with Israel of that day – at least, that they have not been disturbed by its Sovereign: it signifies Sheba and Dedan as only recently self-identified as Bahrain and the UAE in our opinion, both having approached Israel and literally requested the peace accord.
In his summary statement the rabbi said he had been reading “different pundits” saying “the Arab states ... no longer care about the Pales****** People; I’m telling you – anyone who suggests that is simply dead wrong.”
He added that, as to Israel’s intention of applying sovereignty over much of the remainder of their historic homeland, that he does not “indulge in Likud rhetoric,” but that he believes that it has been cancelled, and that “These normalization ties will also bring wonderful opportunities for the Palestinians, particularly in the economic sphere and realm."
We do not concur with the rabbi’s conclusions as to abandonment of the intent of Israel to annex the named territories. The prophetic certainty is that not only will these be annexed but so will all the Islamic holdings between the Nile and the Euphrates Rivers, and the Med and Persian Gulf. Cf., Genesis 15: 18. The key to that statement is perhaps, “not at the present time will that annexation be accomplished” ... and not in the present context...
Having said that, however, we do strongly believe that that specific action by Israel will likely be the triggering event for the fulfillment of Isaiah 59: 19-21, which pictures an enormous flood of humanity spilling across the borders of Israel in a savage attack bent on the destruction of Israel; but the Almighty immediately raises a nus – a standard, or flag, or banner – a country (Israel) – against them, and in that melee of frenzied activity and at that moment, “the Redeemer shall come to Zion,” as vs. 20.
Additionally, to this concept the rabbi opined, "I think it's much more than economic partnerships and investments. Let's remember that no two other faiths in the world have more in common than Judaism and Islam (sic); we are the Children of Abraham.... I feel that Muslims and Jews are coming to a place of recognizing not only our common faith (sic), but our common fate (sic)."
In so saying, the rabbi reveals his utter lack of scriptural scholarship. He, above all observers in the worldly ‘religious’ sphere should know that Islam is in NO way compatible with the will and purpose of YHVH, and that Islam shall not persist and survive into the Kingdom age. They have absolutely nothing in common as to truthful, godly concepts!
Such is not our expressed opinion or purpose, but is the stated will of God.
Obadiah’s prophecy states clearly that “... there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.”
In that reference the true scholar sees the inclusion of all the confederates of Esau (Edom) of the end-time as specifically named in the summary picture offered by Asaph in his Psalm 83 – a prophecy that shows the judgmental disposition of all the entities between the Nile and the Euphrates, and the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf.
ALL these lands shall consist of the “First Dominion of the Kingdom” (Micah 4: 8) and no intrusion of foreign dogmas or institutions shall be allowed by its sovereign – the Lord Jesus Christ, King and Messiah of Israel, and soon-to-be ruler of every nation. <>Arutz Sheva and other reports.
<>HEL ~1050 words. An eTPL31 Analysis Published as a Circular Letter on September 25, 2020.
Two for the Price of One
An eTPL31 Analysis
UAE and Bahrain sign Peace Accord with Israel
Washington. September 15, 2020. The level of euphoria is high at the White House this noon as representatives of both the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain with those of Israel have arrived to sign an historic peace accord ... a “new reality” as former Israel Ambassador to the U. N., Dan Gillerman termed it.
Following the agreement of the UAE to sign a treaty with Israel, Bahrain came forward asking to be included in the initial ceremony (others are expected to follow in ‘short order’), and that privilege was granted Bahrain; Foreign Ministers of both countries therefore met with Mr. Trump and Mr. Netanyahu to attend to the formal signing at the White House.
This addition of Bahrain is certainly significant. According to a map that was just submitted by two avid readers of our site, it is not proven to be a fulfillment of the identity of at least two of the nations of SHEBA and DEDAN of Ezekiel 38:13. In this circulated copy of this “Analysis” item as a PDF file, we are able to reproduce a map showing this specific designation. Here is that photograph:
Unfortunately, this map does not appear on the website where this article is recorded as we have not been able to ‘make that work’ as yet! Note the tiny island in the Persian Gulf in the top blue circle: that island is Bahrain. It constitutes “Sheba” of today, in our opinion. This map is transcribed from The Wall Chart of World History from the Earliest Times to the Present (publisher unknown, but widely referenced).
Then please note the second blue circle, which includes the word “Sheba.” Almost that exact area is now the United Arab Emirates! The proof could not be more clearly stated in our opinion!!
“Sheba and Dedan” have now identified themselves for the world to see – if it will pay attention – and as witness to the People of the Book as stark witness to the accuracy and timeliness of His Word ... and both just in time to get their signatures on the Abraham Accord. To our thinking these facts are not only meaningful, but also extremely helpful in showing the rapid acceleration of our Father’s Plan for the Ages’ being accomplished!
And other factors are significant as well.
Watching the ceremony on TV from beginning to end, we were struck by the innumerable utterances of the words “peace” and “safety” as relates to the entire Mid East, and how the speakers without exception said that they felt that this agreement begins to bring that reality into being. We hope this is a correct assessment, for “when they shall say (not cry) peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child ... the “them” being those opposed to Israel in this strange time of “peace when there is no peace,” meaning a false sensation of peace.
The pathway so far has been rugged ... and hazardous for all concerned. The reference to “travail upon a woman with child” speaks of the increasing drumbeat of germane events in the past few weeks as deliverance comes nearer and nearer. The pains of labor are more intense and more frequent just prior to the time of birth; so it has been with Israel and her neighboring states round about her...
Threats of the Arab enemies have become more frequent and bellicose.
More and more rockets are produced and emplaced in launch position in Lebanon and Gaza.
The frequency of fire balloon attacks has greatly increased.
Iran has shipped ever increasing numbers of “smart missile” conversion kits into the border areas of Israel which when attached to “blind” missiles convert them into guidable, more destructive weapons.
Israel has increased the intensity and frequency of its cross-border retaliation against Gaza and Lebanon/Syria in recent weeks.
And Israel has developed new weapons such as Lahav Or, (the Light Blade) – a lazer weapon which was devised to combat the balloon launches from Gaza.
While the defiant acts of the US under President Trump have also increased, such as declaring Israel to be the capital of Israel and backing it up by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem; such as declaring Israel’s right to sovereignty over the Golan Heights; such as declaring new Israeli “settlements” as not being illegal, such as tacitly approving Israeli annexation of Israeli enclaves in the “West Bank” areas of Judea and Samaria, as well as the Jordan Valley; and such as bringing about the agreement of two formerly hostile Islamic states to draw up a peace arrangement with Israel – the first of an expected series.
The main reservation expressed by commentators has been the sale of the F-35 fighter-bomber to the UAE – a move which could equalize the UAE with the Israeli level of combat level equipment. The president has said he is not concerned about any compromise caused by such a sale, but others do voice misgivings. This leads observers to believe any US sale of the F-35 to Bahrain would involve the earlier, somewhat less lethal models of the new fighter-bomber as the US has assured Israel that it will guarantee that Israel has a quantitative military edge (QME) over its enemies.
In this new step forward with the Abraham Accords, it is hoped that the recalcitrant Pales******* will realize that they are being left hopelessly behind, and that they must join in the peace movement which this agreement extends to them.
Our scriptural expectation of this outcome is dim because for over seventy years, the PLO and its confederates have dragged their feet and consistently objected to any accommodation with Israel. It rejected the Trump Peace Plan months before details of it were made known!
In addition, no lasting peace agreement seems possible with the PLO and its ilk because of their intransigence against the Israeli state and its people.
But for the time being, Israel has been given a peace deal that is so compelling that PM Netanyahu has agreed to delay his plans for the planned annexation of Judea and Samaria until some time in the near (?) future. The offer of this accommodation of friendship to Israel overrode Netanyahu’s concerns about his plan for annexation, placing it ‘on hold’ for the time being (according to his statement).
Significant quotes from comments this day have been (note the optimistic references to “peace.”):
· “The united front of all Arab states with each other has been overcome by their mutual fear of Iran” ... Marie Harf, spokesperson for the US State Department.
· Iran will quickly make an accommodation just days after he is reelected and seek to gain relief from the stringent US sanctions which is is now suffering ... President Trump.
· “What Israel is getting is PEACE from this agreement” ... Trump.
· Many other nations are going to follow suit – at least five or six of them” ... Trump.
· “It’s going to be peace in the Middle East” ... Trump.
· “Israel is not isolated anymore” ... Trump.
· Iran wants to make a deal; their GDP is down 27% at this time ... currency devalued ... people in turmoil with dissatisfaction with their leaders” ... Trump.
· “We went in the smart door – a different approach from earlier leaders. We are talking to the Pal******* and they will be joining in soon” ... Trump.
· “We are here today to change the course of history” ... Trump.
· This day is a pivot of peace ... bringing hope to all the children of Abraham! This was unimaginable a few days ago ... Netanyahu.
· Ultimately it can end the Israeli-Arab conflict once and for all ... Netanyahu.
· Thank you for choosing peace and halting the annexation of Pal******** territory! It will create a more stable, prosperous and secure future...and will advance the future of the ME... Peace is our guiding principle! ... Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed UAE Foreign Affairs Minister.
· President Trump’s statesmanship and tireless efforts have brought us here today and made peace a reality! This day will bring about the peace and security that our people deserve! It means “...peace, security and prosperity for our people” ... Abdullatif bin Rashid Alzayani, Bahrain Foreign Affairs Minister.
· The Arab states are tired of the Pal******** rejection of every proposal put before them. This is a geopolitical paradigm shift! The move came when the President, on July 27th visited the UAE: solidarity of US against Iran cemented this acceptance. There will now be enormous pressure on Iran. We will see Oman and Sudan normalize relations with Israel ... Gen. Jack Keane, Chair: Institute for the Study of War.
Do we not see the profuse evidence of conclusive statements – “saying” that we will finally have peace and security. In our opinion, this is not a yearning ‘cry’ (as some often aver) for peace, but a statement of something that the participants genuinely expect to reflect PEACE in their time...
Our opinion is that it is always a good outcome to arrive at a peace agreement. But our question is, Will these Arab nations – and similar ones in future days – be rewarded for their accommodation with God’s People by their appearing to escape destruction by Christ and being given the opportunity of conversion to YHVH – especially given that their “Mahdi” (the Islamic copycat ‘Messiah’) shall not have appeared and done his appointed work? Only time will tell...
<>HEL ~1200 words. An eTPL31 Analysis. Published as a Circular Letter, September 20, 2020.
When they shall Say Peace and Safety...
An eTPL31 Analysis
September 11, 2020. At between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. today, in the Oval Office of the White House, President Donald Trump announced that the nation of Bahrain has agreed to a peace accord with Israel entirely similar to the one agreed last week with the United Arab Emirates (the UAE) – both former sworn friends of the Pales*******, and enemies of Israel’s ‘occupation’ of Arab lands.
Quite miraculously, we are seeing the abrupt change in direction which we have long anticipated in the Middle East – anticipated with no inkling of just how such might come about between these avowed enemies.
But please ... bear in mind the importance that no peace is being made with the PLO or its confederates surrounding Israel – the Proximal Islamic States (proximal to Jerusalem).
Whether that yet could happen, we cannot be sure at the present time. It does not seem to ‘fit’ the prophetic forecast. If it does come to pass, it will be short-lived as it will not be upheld in the final analysis. Indeed, all Islam shall be defeated by the returned Christ (allied with the IDF) to the last man...
The key phrase that we heard this afternoon from the Oval Office was that this agreement – and others that are imminently expected to be concluded with other former enemies of Israel – will bring an era of peace to the Middle East which has eluded it for over a century.
We are pointedly reminded of the scriptural statement relating to the precise time when that, “the day of the Lord cometh,” in 1Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
The words during the last few hours echoed the fatalistic and exuberant announcement of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain on September 30, 1938, in which he returned to Britain with a signed paper (the Munich Agreement) proclaiming ‘peace’ which had been agreed to by Adolf Hitler and others at the Munich Conference. It allowed a giant concession to the Nazi dictator to annex the Sudetenland (Southern Lands) of Czechoslovakia in exchange for “peace in our time.”
Less than a year later, millions of German soldiers swarmed across the Polish border, firing the opening shots of World War II – the bloodiest and costliest war mankind has ever experienced...
Could we equate President Donald Trump with Neville Chamberlain of that earlier day? I’m not sure it’s a good comparison but it seems to fit.
President Trump, in his mistaken zeal to bring peace to the Middle East, is exerting his authority against the wishes of YHVH Who is the Sovereign of the Universe – and who will utterly resist, in the finality, any quarter for (or any ‘peace’ with) Mohammed and his Islamic constituents with His People Israel.
Now, having said that, we recognize the unmistakable hand of the Father in these developments.
Just last week an unforeseen and rather startling announcement was made in Washington that the UAE and Israel had come to an accord and would imminently sign a formal peace treaty between the two nations in Washington.
At the time, it was voiced abroad that discussions were going forward with yet other Islamic nations that had expressed interest in settling formally their differences with the Jewish state as well.
The UAE agreement immediately put the physical brakes on a significant intention of PM Netanyahu of Israel.
It halted, at least temporarily, his intended sweeping annexation of a large portion of Judea and Samaria as well as the entire Jordan River valley – bringing the entire area under the direct control of Israel, removing it from the nominal control of the Pales****** Liberation Organization (PLO) headed by Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, a decidedly ambitious affront to the ‘Pales*******.’
It may certainly have been the Almighty’s means of forestalling the precipitous annexation of territory by Israel – and the violent expected Islamic reaction – in order to allow time for the necessary (in our understanding) prosecution of other events intimately to be linked to the Second Advent.
We have discussed these necessary (?) components at length in earlier communications: the resurrection of the responsible dead, their Judgment, the awarding of immortality to the faithful, the observance of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and the immortalized Saints equipped and going forth united with Christ as the ‘One Man’ against the physical and religious enemies of His People – Proximal Islam, or the Islamic States between the Nile and the Euphrates Rivers!
We can envision ‘annexation’ as being the tripwire for that PLO reaction...
That action of annexation has been widely and fanatically proscribed by Islamic spokesmen everywhere, wildly fanatical retribution being threatened against the Jewish state ... warning Israel that it will bring the wrath of the entire Arab world upon Israel, and at least intimated an overwhelming, violent physical reaction from all Israel’s neighbors round about.
Isaiah 59: 19-21 records just such a violent reaction as being the result of a ‘trip wire’ that shall bring an humanly overwhelming invasion of perhaps millions of invaders from the nations ‘round about’ in a wildly fanatical assault across the borders against Israel in an onslaught that would be perceived by Israel as humanly unstoppable.
It will, we believe, be of such magnitude that even the mighty IDF will be seized with indecision, realizing its inability to cope with the endless human waves and munitions entering their Land.
Fear will grip Israelis as thousands of rockets fly toward their homeland, and they see TV images of millions of fanatics pouring across their borders in a savage assault that is unprecedented.
But it will be, according to the prophet, THE time when the Spirit of our Father (their only Help at that time) shall “lift up a Standard against him (the invader),” resulting in the unprecedented appearance of Messiah to Israel: “And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 59:19, 20.
That is perhaps the clearest description of the Second Coming that is recorded in the Old Testament!
Its implications are unmistakably conclusive: it portends THE TIME of the Savior’s return to His people in open manifestation ... with the immediate goal of their salvation from their enemies (Luke 1: 71, 74) and “all who hate us!”But it shall also result in His clear manifestation of Himself to His People and their unrestrained acceptance of His Person as Messiah with the highly emotional response, Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai! – “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the LORD!”
In our thinking, the abrupt and unexpected ‘setback’ of PM Netanyahu’s plan for annexation – perhaps later to bring this intended instantaneous, spontaneous reaction from his enemies ‘round about’ – was controlled directly by the Spirit of God working with His returned People.
The Almighty has seemed to blunt the intention of Mr. Netanyahu by offering another benefit that PM Netanyahu sees as a greater immediate value than annexation!
Some will object, “But Jacob (Israel) has not ‘turned from its transgression!’ How can this be?”
They refused Him in the first century even as He irrefutably fulfilled more than FIFTY written, precise O.T. prophecies relating to His First Coming – and they set those aside in their overwhelming transgression against him – their refusal to accept His leadership.
That condition is being reversed in the following manner...
Our reasoning is that well over six million of His People have made Aliyah (the going up, or ascent to Jerusalem), most of them even in the face of extreme hardship of doing so.
They have uprooted their families in distant lands, sold (or in many cases, forfeited) their worldly possessions and stepped joyfully into the realm of unfamiliarity of modern Israel – being faced with the daunting task of learning Hebrew, and of applying their employment skills in a completely new competitive environment among their kinsmen from over 100 other nations!
Many of the returnees have willingly and faithfully boarded great silver birds (the planes of El Al) for transport homeward – strange craft which they had never even seen before the day of their departure in an incredible display of faith before all the world!
It is a daunting challenge to make Aliyah ... yet millions have undertaken it with a high degree of faith, to our mind. Many have struggled back to the Land with little or no possessions in addition to the suitcases in their hands – without credentials of any kind ... and often bereft of any cash assets.
In this way, we believe, they have fulfilled the requirement of having ‘forsaken transgression’ in the sense of NOT continuing to be members of the Diaspora, because that worldwide dispersion was directly due to their national transgression of refusing to accept the Man of Galilee Who proclaimed Himself Messiah to them in that early day.
In returning physically to their ancestral homeland, they in effect have reversed the consequences of that earlier refusal of His Messiahship and are now placing themselves in the one place on earth where they realize that redemption will arrive first – although they are not yet aware of the identity of The Redeemer.
Every rabbi and every congregant knows indelibly the godly admonition: “Return unto Me...” as in Malachi 3:7 – a magnificent proposal which contains a divine promise of expectancy of blessing attached to that commandment; it is, that, if you will Return Unto Me, “I will return unto you.”
After all, the doors of welcome back into the Land were opened widely and fully in 1948, when Israeli independence was proclaimed, and the call went forth to His People to return to their long-forbidden Land – to make Aliyah in preparation for their ultimate redemption...
<>HEL. An eTPL31 Analysis. Published as a Circular Letter, September 11, 2020.
Rosh HaShanah,2020
An eTPL31 Circular Letter
This particular email is getting to be an annual event as we reproduce and reiterate the details of the fall moedim (festivals) of Israel (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Tabernacles), and relate them to the ones occurring in the spring: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits and Pentecost.
Forgive me if you remember reading some of these words previously, but we believe there is great profit in repetition (think of Jesus’ teaching as to ‘the Lord’s prayer!’) and we do not apologize for that; the message does not deviate...
We are rapidly approaching the fall festivals as Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets) will occur at 6 p.m. Jerusalem Daylight Time, September 18 – nine sparse days from now. It will occur at 11 a.m. EDT, which is seven hours in advance of the Israel Time Zone.
The day is Tishrei 1, the first day of the Jewish civil calendar. It is notable that these three festivals only require twenty one days for their completion. The Feast of Tabernacles ends on Tishrei 21! It represents a cluster of devotion which YHVH commanded His people as their new year begins.
As Gentiles after the flesh, we often overlook or ignore these early events, but their consideration is important to all of us. Our Father is still conducting His affairs governed by His divine calendar...
“Rosh Hashanah” literally means ‘the head of the year.’ It is referred to as the Feast of Trumpets because of the systematic blowing of shofars throughout Israel on that special day.
Our conviction has been for some long while that the Second Advent of Jesus Christ likely will occur on one of these specific moedim, or festival days, and that that event shall surely continue the pattern which we have observed concerning the four spring festivals.
Each of these was literally fulfilled as the Passover Lamb was slain, by Unleavened Bread being consumed, by the Firstfruit being lifted up (Christ being raised from the dead), and Pentecost being observed, which produced a literally outpouring of God's Spirit on His people of that day.
We believe that the pattern of the literal outworking that has been observed will continue at some point, to be fulfilled in the fall festivals – and hopefully to be fulfilled in the coming months as we have observed the earlier festivals to have been. That is our fervent wish.
Fall Festivals
Trumpets (Rosh HaShanah) 1 Tishri (Sept 18-20) The coming king
Atonement (Yom Kippur) 10 Tishri (Sept 28) Day of national atonement
Tabernacles (Succot) 15 Tishri (Oct 3-9) God dwelling with us
The Spring Festivals were concerned with the harvest of the barley or wheat. But the Fall Festivals are connected to the harvest of the vineyard – the grape.
So, with those thoughts in our minds, we consider the final three festivals…
Feast of Trumpets, or Rosh HaShanah: on 1 Tishri (September 29-30th of 2019. It is the first day of the Jewish religious year; on this day the shofar is blown 100 times in three distinct ways and with three distinct sounds. Each technique of sounding has its own name …
Shevarim three shorter blasts
Teruah nine quick blasts in short succession
Tekiah one long, straight blast
The one hundredth blast of the Shofar (Tekiah) is known as “the last trump!”
I Corinthians 15: 51-53 connects the resurrection of the dead directly to Tekiah, the last trump, at the sound of which the dead in Christ are said to be raised and gathered, along with the living believers, to Christ’s presence where they shall receive their rewards for faithful service.
In this great event we visualize the literal coming of the Great King, the LORD Jesus Christ, to His people. The angels of the Shofar encircle the whole earth, gathering in the responsible dead of the harvest to the garner!
If the past events’ fulfilling the basic meanings of the festivals continues as on all the previous occasions, it would appear that we may expect the Second Advent of the LORD to occur on a future Rosh Hashanah.
The larger question is, just WHICH Rosh HaShanah?
Also, we must stress that no man can be sure of this fulfillment on any given such day.
The expectation of such fulfillment must not be mistaken as a misguided assignment of a given holiday as certain to be the date of The Return. We must not be so confident – or eager – as to do so!
But the pattern seems to have been established by the fulfillments so perfectly executed as to the earlier festivals in 29AD. They took place within their designated calendar period of about seven weeks...
The suggestion is that we set our eyes upon each such festival in the future, and plan for His appearance on the earliest one. In this way, His People will always be in a perpetual state of readiness for His return to the earth, because we really feel compelled to expect that the resurrection of the dead – and the abrupt end of our mortal sojourn here – will probably occur on Rosh HaShanah of some coming year – perhaps at the Feast of Trumpets of September 18th that we are now approaching!
Copious ‘signs’ have been given as harbinger of a sweeping move forward in the prophetic matrix at this time in history.
· Our time is most surely ‘the end of days.’
· The Fig Tree has blossomed over seven decades ago (1948).
· The ‘generation’ which witnessed the budding of the Fig Tree is now 72 years of age (cf., Psalm 90: 10: “the days of our years are threescore and ten...” or seventy years).
· Israel is back in its land in great force.
· Israel is a reckoning force among the nations (“an exceeding great army:” Ezekiel 37:10).
· Commotion and wars encircle the nations.
· Even the most stable civilizations are rapidly breaking apart into anarchy and confusion – witness the American presidential election of 2020 ... and the confusion surrounding Israel’s three recent, dysfunctional elections.
· Famine and pestilence (the locust swarms of late), disease (Covid-19, and other recent outbreaks), and earthquake activity is more intense than ever in history...
· Unrest and disruption are almost universal in scope.
· A significant ‘sign’ in the heavens was recently experienced: As a review of this major ‘sign,’ we list here the recent Jewish Lunar Tetrad of 2014 realizing that it still has relevance to events of today: recall that these four spring and fall festivals in 2014 and 2015 were marked by full lunar eclipses (blood moons) for only the fourth time since 1493AD – and that all three previous Tetrads have marked immensely important events within the Jewish community, worldwide – but also (especially the last two) within Israel the nation, itself.
The last occurrence of the Jewish Tetrads happened on this schedule:
April 15, 2014 Total lunar eclipse Feast of Passover
October 8, 2014 Total lunar eclipse Feast of Sukkot
April 4, 2015 Total lunar eclipse Feast of Passover
Sept. 28, 2015 Total lunar eclipse Feast of Sukkot
These signs in the physical heavens were in close enough proximity to expected events (beginning with His return) that they would be meaningful in relation to them …and we view this recent set of them to be yet relevant to today.
Continuing to the sixth Moedim...
Yom Kippur: occurring on 10 Tishri (September 28th of this year; it is the Day of National Atonement – the day when all accounts are settled, and might be viewed as being the day upon which at least some of the great pool of mankind (i.e., the worthy Saints of all past ages) become eternally united with the Father and His Son, in that their individual atonement is at that moment sealed and delivered to them.
This event would mark the end of their probationary existence and/or their sojourn in the graves, and the end of their subjection to that great enemy, death.
As such, we might easily conceive it as the day when the approved Saints of God are awarded immortality, after being assembled on Rosh Hashanah, and subsequently invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Revelation 16:9.
Tabernacles (Sukkot): always occurs on 15 - 21 Tishrei (October 3-9 this year); beginning at the time of the full moon.
The people were commanded to build sukka (booths) and inhabit them for seven days and nights. The approaching Feast of Tabernacles, in 2014, featured a blood-red lunar eclipse enveloping a “supermoon” in the earth’s umbra (its deepest shadow), and was seen clearly in Jerusalem – that great city where Christ shall in the near future begin to “tabernacle” (abide) among His people face to face.
We visualize this festival as marking the celebration of Jesus’ final conquest of the nations round about Israel and His having cleared the Promised Land of all the alien races, religions and creeds which are in opposition to Him and His righteous reign of peace.
Perhaps it is on this festival that He proclaims His kingship to Israel, the nation repents and accepts Him as Messiah (cf., Zechariah 12 and 13), and He begins to tabernacle (dwell) among them as My Servant David (cf., Ezekiel 37:24) sitting upon the restored Throne of David in Mt. Zion.
We have discussed all these contingencies ad infinitum in past articles in The Prophecy Letter; we refer readers to the eTPL web site for several years of abundant further information on these vital expectations ... its address is recorded a few lines downward.
Of these latter three approaching moedim (festivals) we cannot be absolutely sure as to these seemingly logical and scriptural implications for these particular days, but we are convicted that the above applications are reasonable, following along with the expected order of events which are prophesied to occur at the Second Advent of the LORD from heaven as well as the fact that their continuation would be consistent with the first century fulfillment of the initial four moedim.
And keep in mind that if these expected events do occur as expected, they should be completed in the extremely tight time-frame of twenty one days following their beginning! The execution of His Plan we expect to be furious and like a lightning strike ... instantaneous!
This complex but orderly series of events has been examined in great detail on past occasions, and the product of this work is also to be found on the eTPL web site... Here it is:
The eTPL site:
If these projections of the Fall Festivals are reasonably accurate, an impending series of them should witness the end of the Adamic dispensation upon the earth, and the beginning of the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ ruling from Mount Zion in Jerusalem, and projecting his righteous mandates upon the entire world from that now humble and troubled City, but (then) exalted center of His administration.
Our expectation is that these momentous events could begin in this fall season ... See Psalm 90. 10; Daniel 12.13.
We realize sadly that when He appears, the nations shall resist His assertion of power over them, and shall greatly misunderstand His nature and purpose among them. Collectively they shall not understand the core truths of His word, nor the immutable promises which He has made to mankind, but shall have perverted His word and made it to mean something other than HIS plan.
But the expansion of His Kingdom shall be orderly, relentless, and utterly successful even against such resistance and/or misunderstanding.
Doubtless, the “Christian’ world will see Him as “the anti-Christ,” because His expressed will among them will conform precisely to that set of conditions which they have already conditioned themselves to expect from that mysterious Personage.
The reason for this deep misconstruction of His Plan is their acceptance of the mythology of Babylon and Egypt which has darkly overshadowed even the most famous ‘Church’ scholars, and nearly all preachers of popular theology.
We humbly say to anyone reading these words and thinking them foolish or unwarranted, “When He appears, please wait patiently to see the short-term outcome before you resist Him, or do anything precipitously against Him. There shall likely be great rewards in passively awaiting the end of the matter.”
The sure message of the Moedim discussed above is that His Plan shall be fulfilled in great detail and with absolute certainty. It has thus been programmed, if you will, in divine cybernetics that are much superior to the feeble discoveries of mankind, and are on a precise course to certain fulfillment.
<HEL> ~2100 words. Based partially on eTPL25 Circular Letters of March 27, 2015 and September 30, 2019. Published: September 9, 2020.
Looking Forward to Rosh Hashanah 2020
An eTPL31 Analysis
Otherwise known as the Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah begins the (civil) Jewish New Year. It is the first of the fall festivals (in Hebrew, the Moedim). We published a chart which shows how it fits into the overall observance of the Hebrew festivals but it would not reproduce here.
As the creator of this chart has recognized, the spring festivals have been fulfilled literally by the events of the first century – the suffering of our Master and subsequent events, ending with the outpouring of the Spirit on the Feast of Pentecost.
The fall festivals await the same literal fulfillment by historical enactment in our understanding, and probably in the same extremely tight time-frame, the first of which will be the (clandestine) personal return of the Lord Jesus to the earth to raise the responsible dead and to judge them – and to award immortality to those who He deems to have been faithful servants.
These stark events shall occur behind an impenetrable curtain of secrecy from the people of the world ... hidden from their view or concern as our Master sets the stage for His personal re-introduction into the affairs of the world and of Israel His People.
Because of numerous scriptural references to the blowing of the trumpet (or shophar) as associated with the resurrection of the responsible dead, and the historic demonstration of literal fulfillment of the earlier festivals in 32 A.D., we have long believed that the return of Christ for that primary purpose may logically be expected to begin on an anniversary of the Feast of Trumpets, when “the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised....” (I Corinthians 15: 52).
But just which Feast of Trumpets? That is the question.
The uncertainty as to just which, specific Feast of Trumpets, exempts our expectation from violating the principle that “no man knows the day nor the hour” of His Second Coming. We cannot deny that our present day is discernibly in the near proximity of these things coming to pass ... but that we must not presume that it will come about in a few short weeks.
But it certainly seems much likelier than at any time in past history!
Given the sudden crisis of such great magnitude as we are now experiencing (the coronavirus pandemic, the drastic worldwide economic collapse, and the crude, threatening societal instability that we see everywhere), and the termination of the years of the “generation” which witnessed the budding of “the fig tree (cf., Luke 21: 29-32) and all the trees,” which generation we deem to be a seventy year time span (cf., Psalm 90: 10), we have good reason to expect His return to be imminent.
An important additional element is the overpowering, frightening, widespread unrest, uncertainty, and turmoil that we see all over the world, as well as the famines, pestilence of various sorts (locusts, viruses, resurgence of once-suppressed diseases such as TB and malaria), earthquakes increasing greatly in frequency and severity, etc. – all designated by YHVH as “signs” of the end time.
These are undeniable – and unprecedented in history!
Although we cannot be dogmatic, we fervently pray that His return may be on or near the date of the Feast of Trumpets in 2020, which begins at sundown on September 18th, and ends 48 hours later – on September 20th. (Some congregations only celebrate one day, which would end at sundown on September 19th.)
Reference to the chart above reveals just two festivals following Trumpets: the Feast of the Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles, both occurring in rapid order.
Our thought about these is that Atonement indicates the awarding of immortality to those deemed faithful at Jesus’ Judgment Bema, and Tabernacles (“dwelling”) might indicate Jesus’ ascension to the Throne of David, taking His regal position for the next thousand years as the King of Israel, ascending that throne in Mount Zion in stark reality. And our understanding is that He will do that only after the decisive defeat of Israel’s threatening legions beyond all her borders, His revealing Himself to His People on the Mount of Olives, and their heartfelt repentance and acceptance of Him as Messiah at that time.
It is an immense expectation to be sure ... but we believe it to be scripturally sound.
If these accomplishments are indeed fulfilled literally in the same manner as the four spring festivals, the paramount events which will include Jesus’ physical intrusion into the affairs of Israel and the world will occur in a lightning sequence...
Those actions happening in rapid order would place the nascent Kingdom of God on a sure footing almost immediately – and reassure its continuance in perpetuity, as the Christ of the Second Advent asserts His authority and sovereignty over Israel and begins to expand His kingdom rapidly over the whole earth.
The long-term results shall be as envisioned by the Prophet in Habakkuk (2:14): “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
In light of this possibility (more than that – the probability is our fervent hope) it is good that each of God’s servants ponder his or her immediate circumstances ... his overall readiness ... for events that, if they follow the pattern of the first century fulfillments of similar festival days, would take place over an extremely short period of time all within the Hebrew month of Tishri (our September and early October) – namely the first 21 days of that period!
The result would be the unprecedented turning of the world upside down in only about three weeks time, ushering in the Kingdom age prior to the end of this Gentile year.
It is admittedly not the time-frame that was envisioned by earlier scholars, but many conditions have changed over the years of our stewardship.
That expectation of dizzying rapidity – of extreme urgency of execution – is exactly what we believe we may expect in these concluding events of our natural existence.
As we have often reminded readers, the Lord Jesus Christ is not compelled to conduct his affairs within the limits of human scale or capability. Why should He waste time with prolonged, drawn-out prosecution of these divinely ordered terminal events? He shall not be seeking a change in anyone’s mind, which always requires time; He shall be pursuing a program of pre-determined, lordly accomplishment of immense scale – and we believe that He shall see no need to prolong the affair in any way.
The extreme rapidity of it will bring about His determined end-result so swiftly as to be dizzying to all the amazed and mystified human observers ... and it will rivet their attention as no other action could!
Such a rapid execution would constitute the New Hebrew year 5781 as the beginning year of the Kingdom of God on the earth!
Our Readiness is Imperative on many Fronts
The Festival of Rosh Hashanah will occur 33 days from today on the evening of September 18th.
The events it could bring are scripturally inevitable ... they shall fall upon the world at some time unknown to us after today...
Every believer should exercise his most serious consideration of what such would mean for him and his family aside from his and her personal preparation for that event.
Without doubt, each shall have prepared for it within the best context of his or her ability as to personal preparation to meet our Savior for the first time face to face...
But there are other, lesser considerations.
What upheavals will it bring to our remaining households and families?
Shall they continue to be cared for and provided for in an expedient manner?
Shall everyone have been informed of the possibility that certain members of the extended family would be no longer there? – shall have disappeared without a trace?
Has there been adequate preparation of every family member whether they agree as to its possibility or not? Even if they are abject disbelievers, they should be soberly informed of our expectations.
Have reasonable provisions been made for the succession of personal property ownership? It is certainly not necessary to conclude such affairs in advance, but it would be desirable and considerate to have such provision set in place before we are abruptly removed from our families.
Perhaps a notarized letter to the authorities would be advisable so that family members would be absolved of culpability (of any responsibility) in the sudden disappearance of their close family members.
The writer has written such a letter to whomever it may concern, and has had it notarized so family members left behind will hopefully not be suspected to have had a part in their disappearance, which as you probably realize, is the most likely conclusion otherwise.
We have had objection made by some who have derided such preparation, being willing to leave purposely uninvolved family members to “shift for themselves,” so to speak.
Our rejoinder has been that such provision has vital benefits that may not be readily apparent – that such provision shall have given substance to our expectations to such folk ... and shall have witnessed perhaps one last time to family members our sincere convictions as to the stark reality of the coming events.
It matters not if they think we are slightly daft in making such provision, I believe they will only have a short time to mock (if such be the case) – and that they will suddenly become extremely grateful for such provision by us, when they are forced awkwardly to admit to the investigating authorities that some family members have disappeared without a trace!
And follow up that thought with this consideration: We pray that our un-converted family members will live safely through the time of great stress and turmoil that will attend the Second Advent – and that they will emerge from their own secret rooms (?) to discover that events in Israel and the world have taken the exact course about which they were forewarned. We pray that that fact will be strong impetus for them to sit still and wait for the salvation of the Lord to come (again?) to their doorstep ... and the offer of salvation once again be proffered to them – at which time we should presume that their acceptance of it would be with great joy and appreciation – that they might have an opportunity then to enter upon their own personal journey toward salvation in His service...
<>HEL ~1750 words. An eTPL31 Analysis. Published: August 17, 2020.
Looking Forward to Rosh Hashanah 2020
An eTPL31 Analysis
Otherwise known as the Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah begins the (civil) Jewish New Year. It is the first of the fall festivals (in Hebrew, the Moedim). A chart shown in our original paper showed how it fits into the overall observance of the Hebrew festivals but it could not be illustrated here:
The spring festivals have been fulfilled literally by the events of the first century – the suffering of our Master and subsequent events, ending with the outpouring of the Spirit on the Feast of Pentecost.
The fall festivals await the same literal fulfillment by historical enactment in our understanding, and probably in the same extremely tight time-frame, the first of which will be the (clandestine) personal return of the Lord Jesus to the earth to raise the responsible dead and to judge them – and to award immortality to those who He deems to have been faithful servants.
These stark events shall occur behind an impenetrable curtain of secrecy from the people of the world ... hidden from their view or concern as our Master sets the stage for His personal re-introduction into the affairs of the world and of Israel His People.
Because of numerous scriptural references to the blowing of the trumpet (or shophar) as associated with the resurrection of the responsible dead, and the historic demonstration of literal fulfillment of the earlier festivals in 32 A.D., we have long believed that the return of Christ for that primary purpose may logically be expected to begin on an anniversary of the Feast of Trumpets, when “the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised....” (I Corinthians 15: 52).
But just which Feast of Trumpets? That is the question.
The uncertainty as to just which, specific Feast of Trumpets, exempts our expectation from violating the principle that “no man knows the day nor the hour” of His Second Coming. We cannot deny that our present day is discernibly in the near proximity of these things coming to pass ... but that we must not presume that it will come about in a few short weeks.
But it certainly seems much likelier than at any time in past history!
Given the sudden crisis of such great magnitude as we are now experiencing (the coronavirus pandemic, the drastic worldwide economic collapse, and the crude, threatening societal instability that we see everywhere), and the termination of the years of the “generation” which witnessed the budding of “the fig tree (cf., Luke 21: 29-32) and all the trees,” which generation we deem to be a seventy year time span (cf., Psalm 90: 10), we have good reason to expect His return to be imminent.
An important additional element is the overpowering, frightening, widespread unrest, uncertainty, and turmoil that we see all over the world, as well as the famines, pestilence of various sorts (locusts, viruses, resurgence of once-suppressed diseases such as TB and malaria), earthquakes increasing greatly in frequency and severity, etc. – all designated by YHVH as “signs” of the end time.
These are undeniable – and unprecedented in history!
Although we cannot be dogmatic, we fervently pray that His return may be on or near the date of the Feast of Trumpets in 2020, which begins at sundown on September 18th, and ends 48 hours later – on September 20th. (Some congregations only celebrate one day, which would end at sundown on September 19th.)
Reference to the chart above reveals just two festivals following Trumpets: the Feast of the Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles, both occurring in rapid order.
Our thought about these is that Atonement indicates the awarding of immortality to those deemed faithful at Jesus’ Judgment Bema, and Tabernacles (“dwelling”) might indicate Jesus’ ascension to the Throne of David, taking His regal position for the next thousand years as the King of Israel, ascending that throne in Mount Zion in stark reality. And our understanding is that He will do that only after the decisive defeat of Israel’s threatening legions beyond all her borders, His revealing Himself to His People on the Mount of Olives, and their heartfelt repentance and acceptance of Him as Messiah at that time.
It is an immense expectation to be sure ... but we believe it to be scripturally sound.
If these accomplishments are indeed fulfilled literally in the same manner as the four spring festivals, the paramount events which will include Jesus’ physical intrusion into the affairs of Israel and the world will occur in a lightning sequence...
Those actions happening in rapid order would place the nascent Kingdom of God on a sure footing almost immediately – and reassure its continuance in perpetuity, as the Christ of the Second Advent asserts His authority and sovereignty over Israel and begins to expand His kingdom rapidly over the whole earth.
The long-term results shall be as envisioned by the Prophet in Habakkuk (2:14): “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
In light of this possibility (more than that – the probability is our fervent hope) it is good that each of God’s servants ponders his or her immediate circumstances ... his overall readiness ... for events that, if they follow the pattern of the first-century fulfillments of similar festival days would take place over an extremely short period of time all within the Hebrew month of Tishri (our September and early October) – namely the first 21 days of that period!
The result would be the unprecedented turning of the world upside down in only about three weeks time, ushering in the Kingdom age prior to the end of this Gentile year.
It is admittedly not the time-frame that was envisioned by earlier scholars, but many conditions have changed over the years of our stewardship.
That expectation of dizzying rapidity – of extreme urgency of execution – is exactly what we believe we may expect in these concluding events of our natural existence.
As we have often reminded readers, the Lord Jesus Christ is not compelled to conduct his affairs within the limits of human scale or capability. Why should He waste time with prolonged, drawn-out prosecution of these divinely ordered terminal events? He shall not be seeking a change in anyone’s mind, which always requires time; He shall be pursuing a program of pre-determined, lordly accomplishment of immense scale – and we believe that He shall see no need to prolong the affair in any way.
The extreme rapidity of it will bring about His determined end-result so swiftly as to be dizzying to all the amazed and mystified human observers ... and it will rivet their attention as no other action could!
Such a rapid execution would constitute the New Hebrew year 5781 as the beginning year of the Kingdom of God on the earth!
Our Readiness is Imperative on many Fronts
The Festival of Rosh Hashanah will occur 33 days from today on the evening of September 18th.
The events it could bring are scripturally inevitable ... they shall fall upon the world at some time unknown to us after today...
Every believer should exercise his most serious consideration of what such would mean for him and his family aside from his and her personal preparation for that event.
Without doubt, each shall have prepared for it within the best context of his or her ability as to personal preparation to meet our Savior for the first time face to face...
But there are other, lesser considerations.
What upheavals will it bring to our remaining households and families?
Shall they continue to be cared for and provided for in an expedient manner?
Shall everyone have been informed of the possibility that certain members of the extended family would be no longer there? – shall have disappeared without a trace?
Has there been adequate preparation of every family member whether they agree as to its possibility or not? Even if they are abject disbelievers, they should be soberly informed of our expectations.
Have reasonable provisions been made for the succession of personal property ownership? It is certainly not necessary to conclude such affairs in advance, but it would be desirable and considerate to have such provision set in place before we are abruptly removed from our families.
Perhaps a notarized letter to the authorities would be advisable so that family members would be absolved of culpability (of any responsibility) in the sudden disappearance of their close family members.
The writer has written such a letter to whomever it may concern, and has had it notarized so family members left behind will hopefully not be suspected to have had a part in their disappearance, which as you probably realize, is the most likely conclusion otherwise.
We have had objection made by some who have derided such preparation, being willing to leave purposely uninvolved family members to “shift for themselves,” so to speak.
Our rejoinder has been that such provision has vital benefits that may not be readily apparent – that such provision shall have given substance to our expectations to such folk ... and shall have witnessed perhaps one last time to family members our sincere convictions as to the stark reality of the coming events.
It matters not if they think we are slightly daft in making such provision, I believe they will only have a short time to mock (if such be the case) – and that they will suddenly become extremely grateful for such provision by us, when they are forced awkwardly to admit to the investigating authorities that some family members have disappeared without a trace!
And follow up that thought with this consideration: We pray that our un-converted family members will live safely through the time of great stress and turmoil that will attend the Second Advent – and that they will emerge from their own secret rooms (?) to discover that events in Israel and the world have taken the exact course about which they were forewarned. We pray that that fact will be strong impetus for them to sit still and wait for the salvation of the Lord to come (again?) to their doorstep ... and the offer of salvation once again be proffered to them – at which time we should presume that their acceptance of it would be with great joy and appreciation – that they might have an opportunity then to enter upon their own personal journey toward salvation in His service...
<>HEL ~1750 words. An eTPL31 Analysis. Published: August 17, 2020.
The Termination of Lebanon is Underway
An eTPL31 Analysis
Since the enormous blast that leveled the Port of Beirut last week, the Lebanese people have been in full uprising against every aspect of their government – and especially in opposition to Hezbollah, the “party of god” (we won’t capitalize the word because it indicates a false god – an idol called ‘allah’) which now controls Lebanese affairs. Hezbollah has highjacked the entire country of Lebanon and converted it into an offensive military establishment aimed at the destruction of Israel.
Scriptural references to Lebanon are couched in its references to Tyre and Zidon – wealthy city-states of ancient time in which the ways of God were never established or followed. These places (representative of Lebanon of today) are prominent in end-time prophecy.
Joel three accounts for events of the last days in the days and time of which YHVH promises, “I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,” an accomplishment which is unique to the twentieth century, and extending on into the twenty-first. Lebanon gained nation status after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire which had controlled the area for 400 years, ending in 1917, at which time France was given control of that enclave.
In the succeeding years, Beirut became a progressive capital of Lebanon, was cultivated and brought into modernity creating a region known as the Switzerland of the Middle East. That name was applied due to the diversity of its population, its international monetary policies based on the Swiss model, and it its terrain – which contains many mountain peaks exceeding 10,000 feet in elevation.
But Lebanon no longer conforms to that profile. It is a nation in deep debt, suffering chaotic leadership, overrun by the Shia warlords of Hezbollah, which now controls the parliament. Hezbollah is allowed to have its way in Lebanon ... and the people are tired of it.
But it’s too late. Our assertion is based on the sure word of the prophets of YHVH – such as Joel 3, where Tyre and Zidon: Note these words: “Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head;” Joel 3:4
Note well that verse one of Joel 3 stipulates the precise time when this iniquity against His People shall be addressed; it is at a time when they are regathered into one place in a large concentration and have achieved nationhood again. It is “... in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem...”
Immediately, the prophet makes clear that he is speaking of a conflict which he names “the Valley of Jehoshaphat,” and “the Valley of Decision” (see subsequent verses in Joel 3). Those terms describe without doubt the end-time and terminal conflict of Zion with its enemies round about. We are beholding its final stages this very day – the terminal activities of a conflict which has dragged on for over seventy years!
And Lebonon is deeply involved in this conflict with Israel, according to Joel, Isaiah, and the priest Asaph who penned Psalm 83, among many others.
Lebanon is always in the News
Always in the news to a degree, Lebanon leaped to the top of the heap last week when, at the Port of Beirut, 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded (along with, it is claimed, a munitions stockpile stored nearby) killing well over 100 people and injuring thousands. The site of the blast resembles Hiroshima after the atomic attack of 1945, where a huge portion of the port was obliterated. The explosion was heard and felt as far away as Cyprus, and made about 300,000 people homeless!
We believe the event is reflective of the relatively recent passing of the Cup of the Lord’s fury to Israel’s enemies – removing it from Israel, which had long held the cup and had drunk from it deeply.
There are other references that apply, but we will quote one which summarizes the entire process of the end-time possession and partaking of the Cup of God’s fury. It is...
Isaiah 51:17 - Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the LORD the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling, and wrung them out.
Isa 51:18 There is none to guide her (Israel) among all the sons whom she hath brought forth; neither is there any that taketh her by the hand of all the sons that she hath brought up.
Isa 51:19 These two things are come unto thee; who shall be sorry for thee? desolation, and destruction, and the famine, and the sword: by whom shall I comfort thee?
The condition described consisted for almost 2,000 years – a result of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Romans, and their scattering of God’s people to the four corners of the earth. Their land lay in desolation of centuries, un-husbanded, un-tended, un-cared-for, unwanted, and in dire distress...
But the end of this distress was destined in the far-distant future for God’s people, at a time when they should be regathered from all nations – a possibility that became reality as the last desolator of the Land was removed in the defeat and rout of the Ottomans, and the gradual re-opening of the entry gates into His Land was accomplished, terminating in the establishment of the State of Israel in God’s land.
At that time the Cup of fury was taken out of Israel’s hand and given to their enemies. That achievement is addressed in this scriptural reference ... verses 22 and 23.
Isa 51:20 Thy sons have fainted, they lie at the head of all the streets, as a wild bull in a net: they are full of the fury of the LORD, the rebuke of thy God.
Isa 51:21 Therefore hear now this, thou afflicted, and drunken, but not with wine:
Isa 51:22 Thus saith thy Lord the LORD, and thy God that pleadeth the cause of his people, Behold, I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling, even the dregs of the cup of my fury; thou shalt no more drink it again:
Isa 51:23 But I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee; which have said to thy soul, Bow down, that we may go over: and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, and as the street, to them that went over.
We see the result of their being made to drink of the Cup of the Lord’s wrath in such events as the devastation of the Port of Beirut much to the hurt of the enemies of God in Lebanon – not only the Arab population of Lebanon which has sought to take Israel’s land, but the interlopers of Hezbollah – agents and proxies of Iran’s hostile government having usurped the power in Lebanon and increased the aggressive stance of that nation toward Israel by magnitudes.
It is a fitting end for those who have incessantly said, “Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession...”
Psa 83:13 O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind. 14 As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire; 15 So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm. 16 Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD. 17 Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: 18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
The termination of Lebanon is now underway – an achievement to be satisfied as all the other aggressors of Israel lying round about her is accomplished as depicted in Psalm 83 and other prophecies, that being the best summary that we have of that conflict.
<>HEL ~1350 words. An eTPL31 Analysis. Published August 9, 2020 as a Circular Letter.
Coming Down to the Wire in American Politics
An eTPL31 Opinion
Readers will know that this publication is strictly apolitical in its editorial stance. This position is Biblically mandatory, in our opinion, because the men and women of God have been commanded to be “not of this world” in all such matters. They are plainly instructed to realize soberly that public affairs of state and nation – including the election of governing officials – are in the hands of their heavenly Father, a principle which is clearly defined in Daniel 4: 17, 25, 32; 5: 21.
The Master Himself confirmed that principle as He instructed His followers as recorded in Matthew 6: 24: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. "Mammonas" in Greek means wealth, or avarice, and is put for all things worldly or secular.
He admonished them, essentially, to leave the affairs of the world in the hands of His Father – not to be concerned with them at all.
A case in point can be made by referring to past history. We seriously doubt that any true believer, whose hope is for “peace on earth,” and for the Kingdom of God to be established on the earth, should have voted in the German federal election of 1932 for a highly marginal candidate named Adolf Hitler. Yet he won a plurality of votes that propelled him to the position of Reichskanzelar – Chancellor of the Third Reich, in 1933.
But he was obviously the choice of YHVH Himself at that time – and went forward with vehemence to bring about in Germany and in that portion of the world the results that were fitting for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, namely the most severe and most heinous persecution of God’s people, the Jews in his sphere of influence, as author and executor of The Shoah (the Holocaust).
Without the drastic persecution of the Jews under Hitler, the Jews of Europe should never have sought vigorously a state of their own – a safe haven from such atrocious persecutors of the future – for their general mindset is known instead to have been that they wished to be assimilated into the populations of their various states of residency in Europe as fully accepted citizens.
It is apparent that only an era of atrocity such as The Shoah could have changed that mindset.
Only farsighted theorists such as Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, were able to conceive that need prior to the Holocaust, and they were not receiving an enthusiastic hearing from their fellow Jews of the time. The Holocaust abruptly changed that mindset...
A Similar Choice for Today in the USA?
We observe with great interest the progression of the American presidential candidates as they vie for voters’ loyalty. The election of the next president lies just ninety one days away as of this writing.
Donald Trump has been the friendliest president to the State of Israel of any previous president. He exceeded Harry S Truman who holds second place in that category. Israel has been assured not only by word but by deed that the present Administration holds Israel and its people in high regard.
Not only has the president acted on his promises to favor Israel, he has also committed the support of the United States to Israel in any future time of warfare.
Huge stockpiles of American military equipment are resident within the Jewish state at this time; those supplies are available for Israel’s use if needed. At least a tacit promise of the support of US troops has also been proffered if needed to assist Israel, if not by written treaty.
American monetary aid (mostly military in nature) in the billions of dollars is given to Israel each year. In such matters the US is clearly (at present) a “guard” unto Israel just as Russia is predicted to be a “guard” to the states of its future coalition (cf., Ezekiel 38:7).
Yet, as the Second Advent bears closer upon the world, the believer ponders the accounts of the Hebrew prophets as to the immediate future.
Each believer surely is aware that a decision will have to be made (to apply a cliché, when push comes to shove) what will the US actually do for Israel in its coming conflict?
Our studied opinion is ... nothing.
In our scripturally-based estimation, NO added assistance of any kind will be offered to the Jewish state in its coming military showdown with the Islamic entities arrayed round about Israel, all of them intensively dedicated to Israel’s destruction.
But in the present climate of favorability of the US Administration to Israel, how could that be?
For months leading on into this present summer, those nations have increased their armaments and their preparation – and the hysterical level of their threats – for their avowed purpose of destroying the Jewish state.
We believe there is an answer, although we are unsure of just how it will come about.
The prophet Isaiah indicates that a final breaking-point in this end-time conflict will arrive when the Arabs will actually make a desperate, crushing attempt to accomplish their desired conquest of Israel ... irresistible in human terms ... but readily solvable by divine means.
They will attack Israel in great force and with countless “fighters” from every side ... moving into Israel from every side – on foot, by mechanized vehicles, and with perhaps some aircraft in a frantic, last-ditch attempt to overrun God’s People and their state.
That final, decisive attempt, in our understanding, will be the tripwire for the intervention of the returned Lord, Jesus Christ, in His prophesied mission to “save (them) from their enemies, and from the hand of all that hate (them)” as prophesied by Zacharias, the father of John Immerser (Luke 1: 71).
As we so often observe, Isaiah 63: 1-6 describes perhaps the first visible act of intervention that the returned Christ will make on Israel’s behalf. It will be their first clue that Messiah has come to them, although they will not recognize Him as such; but they soon will be adequately informed!
The setting is most likely that which is indicated in the prophecy of Isaiah 59:19: When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a Standard against him. 20 And the Redeemer shall come to Zion....
It is perhaps the clearest prophecy in the Old Testament of that actual, decisive moment when their Redeemer shall appear to His People!
And we find it almost simplistic – and undeniable – to frame it in the context of today ... in these last hours of Gentile dominion over the earth.
In that prophesied account, Israelis suddenly, and with apparent surprise, become aware of an unknown Entity which has begun fierce, bloody, superbly victorious warfare on their behalf – rapidly cutting down the aggressive forces of their enemies in the region of Bozrah, the ancient capital of Edom, and patently fulfilling the parallel prophecy of Obadiah 1: 20.
It is a scenario in which Israeli forces (which at that time, without Israel’s knowledge or permission, will include the Christ and His great host of immortalized Saints – an entity which was described by John Thomas as The One (Multitudinous) Man, in our opinion) will rapidly possess (conquer) “the cities of the south,” or the Negev – which is precisely the homeland of Esau, but today is host to the Salafists and PLO sympathizers of the Islamic Brotherhood, of Hamas, and even of ISIS – all of them Israel’s avowed destroyers, their enemies ... and God’s enemies. Cf., Psalm 83: 1-3: “thine (God’s) enemies ... they that hate thee (God) ... against thy hidden ones (the Israelis).”
The narrative of Asaph’s revelation (in Psalm 83) seems to be clear that Messiah is acting alone in His war; He supplies the information that “of the people, there was none with Me” (vs. 3). There are to be no allies of the One Man of any sort over and above the Israel Defense Force, which seems to be described as having been caught by surprise by the sudden, massive invasion of waves of invaders across its borders, and by the abrupt appearance of the mysterious Defender...
That conclusion leaves out any supporters such as the presently committed forces of the USA.
What Events Could Bring About Such a Change?
So, what changes between now and then could bring about such a drastic turnabout?
There seem to be several possibilities:
1. There could be a great economic depression in the USA which would preclude its help at that time.
2. There might be a widespread medical condition such as a pandemic that would prevent any hasty reaction to Israel’s plight. That condition may consist at the present time (?).
3. Other potential allies of Israel might be engaged in other military activity (war? – or a ‘police action?’ – China, or N. Korea?) either of which would make it difficult to assist Israel.
4. There might be a deep financial crisis in the USA which would militate against it.
5. The foreign assault against Israel might come in such a short time frame that there might not have yet been time for the USA to react to Israel’s plight. The armies of men move at substantially slower pace than the armies of God!
6. Or there might be a change of regime in the USA to one which does not favor and will not permit such military support of Israel.
For whatever reason, the prophesied conditions are that, “of the nations there was none with Me.”
The sixth choice seems most likely as we write these words, although any of the first five might also well play a part in a final decision to support or not to support Israel in its terminal war with its surrounding enemies.
The prophesied invasion will probably arise overnight, resulting in hundreds of thousands of foot soldiers, half-tracks, tanks, and artillery flooding across the borders of Israel from Lebanon, from Syria, from Jordan (?), from Iraq, and from Saudi Arabia (?) in humanly unstoppable surges.
Israel’s continued existence will doubtless immediately be in question in their own minds.
The prophetic depiction calls to mind the uncontrollable waters of a flood wildly rushing into the Jewish state as wave after wave of soldiers and civilians rush headlong in their thirst for Jewish blood and wealth... and lands.
These considerations bring us back to a possible change of regime in the USA – Israel’s only notable stated ally at the present time.
When all is considered, one party (the Republicans) favors Israel and is committed to its survival. The other party (the Democrats) have thoroughly repudiated Israel, supports the BDS movement, deems Israel “apartheid” in many cases, and praises the Palestinian Cause over Israeli sovereignty – all in contrast to our Father’s clearly defined favorability for His regathering People.
A win by the Democrats in November would almost certainly reverse all the advantages with which the Trump administration has blessed Israel.
Although “polls” have frequently proven unreliable in the past, the present polls consistently show the Democratic candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, leading his opponent, President Donald Trump, by mostly double-digit figures. The Democrats seem uncommonly convinced of their approaching victory in the presidential election ... an opinion which was entirely proven wrong in the last such contest ... but who knows??
The leading numbers for Joe Biden are true even in the context that the candidate has done almost no active campaigning, and is constantly chided for remaining in his basement in Wilmington, Delaware!
All this is true in addition to his being obviously confused on many occasions – making verbal, cognitive gaffes which would be seriously criticized and derided in a candidate from the other party.
The polls are hard to believe when one observes the unbridled enthusiasm of the huge crowds garnered by Donald Trump at every rally as compared to the limpidly calm responses of the small crowds who have come to hear Joe Biden. The contrast is astonishing ... almost unbelievable. Yet the polls tell a different story...
So we sincerely wonder what the outcome of the election will be in these days of deep depression over the coronavirus pandemic, the drastic losses of employment, the extreme danger of multitudes of folk losing their homes and their life savings because of the sudden and unexpected losses of jobs, and the wholesale closures of thousands of businesses, widespread bankruptcy, and the shuttering of formerly huge retail operations the likes of J. C. Penney and The Gap.
And now the news has grown more concerning: the viral pandemic is claiming more victims than ever in some portions of the US and of other countries. Science still has little real knowledge of this new virus, which is having the worldwide impact of freely-floating maritime explosive “mines” – which it curiously resembles in micrographic photos.
In our opinion, this pandemic has been sent upon the world by its (often) unacknowledged Creator.
Mankind has lately infringed upon His authority and sovereignty in ways earlier unknown – most clearly by laws, enacted as national repudiation of His godly principles of conduct which He originally laid down for mankind – the honor and prestige of family, of honorable gender identity, of uprightness in private and public affairs, of integrity of purpose, in the support of humankind for each other rather than the destructive tendencies which we see being exploited daily, even hourly.
The Father of us all will not long contend with His creation. Isaiah was given these words of wisdom, likening Man to a potsherd – the most useless piece of material imaginable: Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? Isaiah 45:9
<HEL> ~2200 words. An eTPL31 Opinion Published as a Circular Letter, August 3, 2020
Now Six Months into Covid-19 – What Next?
An eTPL31 Circular Letter
July 4, 2020. Within the space of six months, coronavirus has circled the globe, invaded every country, and infected over ten million people – over 2.5 million of whom live in the USA. One should have thought that would have been enough time to stop – or at least slow – the spread of the lethal virus. Until yesterday, only New Zealand had succeeded in this effort, but not so today.
Instead of being capable of quelling the virus, which broke out of Wuhan, China, just six months ago, scientists have found no effective antagonist for the virus – no certain medicinal combatant, although two or three appear to be promising in suppressing the silent killer. And a vaccine for its possible prevention seems still to be months away...
Reinforcing that fact, the World Health Organization’s Director-General warned on Monday, June 29th, that the pandemic is “actually speeding up.” He added, “We all want this to be over. We all want to get on with our lives.... But the hard reality is: This is not even close to being over.”
“We are being Clobbered”
American healthcare workers are said to be both humbled and disgusted as they look toward the second half of the year. The now rapid spike of the disease in the southern and western states is a sobering reality. Dr. Michael Saag, associate dean for global health at the University of Birmingham (Alabama) said, “I'm discouraged and demoralized .... When you compare our case numbers to almost any other industrialized country, we are getting clobbered."
Six Months into COVID-19, Doctors Fear what Comes Next
The record is not good. At least 126,332 deaths had been reported in the U.S., with 500,000 lives lost worldwide. And the prospects appear to be worsening...
By definition, a respiratory virus spreads most readily through sneezing, coughing, talking, shouting and singing. It has now been proven that wearing a fabric face mask in public and maintaining a six-foot separation along with other measures such as frequent hand-washing helps reduce the spread, according to experts.
These measures were not stated clearly from the first by authorities, although soberly realized by many folk who are involved in the specialized field of infection prevention and control. Even the president of the country has largely refused to wear a face mask in public. In not so doing, he has not set a good example for the citizens. Only last weekend did the vice president begin to wear a mask in public.
Some officials therefore hold a dim view of the way the disease has been handled. One of the chief players has stated: “We are becoming, as a nation, a laggard and a pariah.” (Dr. Tom Frieden, former Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and now President of Resolve to Save Lives, a global public health initiative.)
A result has been that Americans simply have not taken Covid-19 seriously ... and they should!
Yes, the months of lockdown have been oppressive and depressing. Yes, people want to get out and about and get their lives moving ahead again. But they should realize that with such a dilatory, slackened attitude they might receive the death sentence – a proven result from mass-gatherings of unprotected attendants who, two weeks later, have been diagnosed with the virus. Many obviously think that after they have paid their dues of sheltering in place, it’s OK to go quickly back to normal.
It isn’t.
"Sorry. This thing isn't going away."
Saag warned about such a "laissez-faire attitude." "Sorry," he said. "This thing isn't going away."
What are the future prospects? Well, we see a massive number of influenza cases every fall and winter. This annual event, overlaid by possible new waves of Covid-19, should increase the worry-level of every intelligent human being as we approach the fall of 2020. Influenza is a significant challenge in its own right. Statistics show that about 62,000 people perished from flu-related complications during the just-ended flu season – and more than 700,000 were hospitalized.
No one knows, or can reasonably forecast, what the interaction of these two lethal viruses may produce ... or whether it will be possible readily to differentiate one from the other with certainty. All sorts of intriguing questions arise, such as,”Could it be that if you were infected with influenza, then several days later infected with COVID, that you might be protected from the worst of what COVID could do? Or would it be the opposite?"
That ponderous question was raised by the Mayo Clinic’s Director of the Vaccine Research Group in Rochester, Minnesota. The general consensus is that the U.S. Health care system isn’t prepared to meet the challenges of a simultaneous influx of Covid-19 and influenza. Just the onset of the ‘flu season places a strain on American hospital facilities; add Covid-19 and the system will be severely taxed. Add to that two other adverse factors: many people are not convinced of the efficacy of the ‘flu vaccine – so they don’t get injected with it; the second factor is that by its very nature, the vaccine is usually about 50 percent effective (that it has not been formulated to combat the viruses that actually will cause the ‘flu in a given year): it’s a hit-or-miss proposition for the most part depending upon statistical information available prior to the beginning of the “season.”
The Second Wave ... PLUS
A “second wave” of Covid-19 is widely expected to come this fall – or possibly sooner. What it will bring is anyone’s guess. Given the fact that New York receives air passengers from everywhere, the pulmonologists at Northwell Health in New York are saying "Things will get bad here.... We're preparing for the worst, hoping we're wrong."
But there are more worrisome concerns. A Chinese research term has found a new strain of virus in pigs in studies dating as far back as 2011: it is a strain of H1N1 that has “all the essential hallmarks of a candidate pandemic virus,” as stated in a report published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The new flu virus has become more infectious to humans; therefore it needs to be monitored carefully lest it become a potential pandemic as well. It is not clear whether the new virus has caused any major adverse clinical symptoms in humans to date.
Pig farmers in parts of China slowed elevated levels of this new virus in their blood, supporting the necessity for “close monitoring in human populations, especially the workers in the swine industry...”
A Time of Trouble for ‘the World’
Sadly – but objectively – the world at large has brought this time of trouble upon itself, in our opinion, by its gross disobedience to standards of morality which our Father has given mankind.
Ancient Egypt brought similar plagues upon itself by maltreating God’s People. In the days of YHVH’s deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, the Almighty made known clearly to Pharaoh what He was doing and why He was doing it. He instructed Moses to say: “For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth. For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee and thy people with pestilence; and thou shalt be cut off from the earth.” Exodus 9:14, 15.
Might those words portend a similar extension of ‘pestilence’ upon the earth in our own time – when His imminent purpose is 1) to deliver His sons and daughters from death, and from the curse of mortality; 2) to deliver His People from their enemies round about them; and 3) to establish the First Dominion of His Kingdom in the Land promised to Abraham for an everlasting possession?
May we expect a prolonged time of great disruption of the world by means greater than we have already witnessed?
We cannot possibly know how these terminal events will unfold. Their unfolding may require great levels of trust in His Plan by His People, both natural Israel and spiritual Israel.
But by His grace, we can hold fast to His promise of deliverance during this time. We can trust implicitly in His forbearance toward His elect ... His precious Sons and Daughters, be they living or not yet resurrected ... or not yet converted to His Way (as in the case of Israel today).
And we can trust in His mercy ... that He will bring us through this present wilderness with its stinging pain and heat, to the River Jordan just as He did Israel – and admit us to His Promised Land just as He did ancient Israel, and give us, too, the ultimate victory over sin and oppression.
But on this occasion, the Prophet leading us will be the new Joshua – Yeshua Moshiach – infallible Deliverer, faithful Kinsman-Redeemer, and merciful Master and Commander of that undauntable multitude of faithful Ones who shall accompany Him in His appointed Task.
<HEL> An eTPL31 Circular Letter Published July 6, 2020.
The World is Burning
The Beginning of the End
An eTPL30 Circular Letter
Seven days of growing anarchy and rioting have resulted from a brutal police takedown of a Black man in Minneapolis on Monday by a (white) police officer who used an unwarranted technique of immobilization along with far too much zeal. The victim ceased breathing during the arrest. The officer has been fired and incarcerated on two major counts of manslaughter. His three companions have also been charged with murder.
But the general public in Minneapolis was not satisfied with the delayed detention and arrest of the officer, so a “peaceful demonstration” was called for. It quickly descended into a nighttime riot of huge proportions, destruction of businesses and property, looting, and arson, including the burning of a police precinct building in the city.
Since that time cancer has spread to many metropolitan centers in the USA.
There are at least four factors feeding into the frustration. 1) The frustration of the twelve-week shutdown of the country in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic; 2) the resultant financial stress that has been induced by the shutdown; 3) an honestly-felt resentment of the police officer’s actions (along with three of his companion officers who did nothing to seek relief for the victim, and 4) the influence of ideologies that are extraneous to the basic resentment of racial tension felt by many – such as the antifa movement along with Black Lives Matter and others.
But there is certainly a fifth factor – basic human nature steeped in sin, a word that one never hears mentioned in news broadcasts or political and sociological observations.
The president has implicated a movement called Antifa as being culpable; it exhibits the epitome of sin, in our thinking...
How does one define Antifa?
The current entry in Wikipedia contains the following description of the ominous antifa movement:
The Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/) movement in the United States is a left-wing, anti-fascist, militant political activist movement that comprises autonomous activist groups that aim to achieve their political objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. Activists engage in varied protest tactics, including digital activism, property damage and physical violence, and harassment against those whom they identify as fascist, racist, or on the far-right.
The English word Antifa is a loanword from German, taken as a shortened form of the word antifaschistisch ("anti-fascist") and the name of Antifaschistische Aktion.
Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-capitalist views and subscribe to a range of ideologies such as anarcho-communism, communism, and Marxism, modern liberalism, socialism, and social democracy.
Students of the scriptures should not be surprised by such movements; they are the outgrowth of human greed and lust – and the need of many to protest against nearly every social or political action of governments and NGO movements. They tend to favor violence in order to secure their selfish ends, and typically let nothing stand in their way, morally or lawfully.
The rioting and looting have now spread to many of the major cities of the USA.
The thousands of “demonstrators” (read, rioters, and looters) raise an incredibly dangerous possibility. We see this reality in the abundant news-camera footage on television newscasts.
Another evident fact is that in many cases the police have retreated and allowed the rioters and pillagers to have their way; indeed they torched the police precinct station in Minneapolis, and it burned to the ground without any intervention of the fire department or the police department.
Within the past few days the disturbances have moved into the suburban communities of some cities. We noted Naperville, Illinois, as being one of their new targets – a quiet, peaceful, western residential suburb of the sprawling Chicago metroplex.
The unrest has finally come home to disturb even individual households – to threaten the welfare of innocent families in their last and best sanctuaries – their homes. It is a development that we expected would occur as the frustration and the greed deepen in the “activists.”
The participants in these bloody affairs have not observed any of the major precautions (or few of them) in their activities. Shirtless, sweaty, hard-breathing participants have rubbed shoulders and noses with each other and with police officials and members of the National Guard, doubtless spreading the coronavirus infection needlessly to each other. Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms stated that “If you were out protesting last night, you probably need to go get a COVID test this week.” The close contact of thousands of the looters and pillagers will doubtless take its toll, although most of them are younger people and therefore presumed to be resistant to the more grave effects of the pandemic.
The protests against the Minnesota police action against Mr. George Floyd have spread to Europe, with huge demonstrations in London and Berlin – thousands of participants brandishing signs and slogans of criticism and resistance to “police brutality.”
The world is burning!
There is one source of inspiration and motivation that is lacking ... and the brethren of Christ are the most likely purveyors of it to their friends and neighbors.
It is the Gospel of salvation – the word of hope and life.
Men have recognized that Hope springs eternal. Its promise takes effect in the darkest of circumstances.
Job recognized the principle in the graphic language of Job 14: For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Job 14:7
The society of today seems desperately to need an application of salt.
A tree hewn down might seem to be a terminal event; the widespread unrest and lawlessness we are witnessing might also seem to be terminal to the American way of life.
Well, let’s hope so ... for it is not a godly way. Its replacement will be far superior!
We have often decried the injustice to innocent un-borns as millions are aborted without reticence or compunction. Against all normal practice men “marry” men – and women “marry” women – in direct confrontation of the Almighty’s law as set forth in Eden so that the earth might be replenished and families might thrive in His service. The nominal standards of decency are violated without much real thought of consequences. Men and women doing what please them ... and what does not please their Creator.
It strikes me that you and I can still make a difference in a few instances – among our circle of friends and acquaintances – by our witness of God’s mercy that is available to all who will avail themselves of it.
In an extreme example of that spirit, God sent Jonah to Nineveh to preach repentance to the heathen nation – a spiritual backwater where the God of Abraham was hardly known.
Jonah disagreed with God’s decision and ... well, you know the entire story.
Jonah finally, reluctantly, did as God had instructed and the result was recorded in Jonah 3:10 – And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
Jonah poured salt upon a people who were rotting.
Salt staves off rot and deterioration in terms of food preservation. It does not prevent decay, but it delays it so that the food may remain edible for a much longer period of time to allow rational consumption of it. In his righteous teaching, Jonah pushed back the demise of Nineveh for years...
In our present case, there is a similar circumstance.
God is a God of judgment.
He is true to His promise ... The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 2Peter 3:9
But He is also a God of mercy: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...” 1Peter 1:3
This message could move many to repentance were we to apply it widely and sincerely.
That is the mechanism of preservation that we see in salt. Its application gives promise – and staves off the adverse consequences, just as Jonah’s proclamation of the message of repentance to Nineveh delayed is destruction until about 712BC – giving perhaps some of the people time to reform their lives and truly heed the word of the LORD. Jonah’s “salt” preserved the Nivevean civilization for years...
Ask almost any of our society, “What is the purpose of life?”
Their reaction is similar to a deer caught in the headlights: they stand mute, undiscerning, and unable to give a rational answer. They haven’t a clue. They are in darkness – which is all about us.
Our purpose as Believers is to have fellowship with our Father and His Son – and hopefully to share eternity with them.
It is also in this present circumstance to bring glory to God’s name, and to preach His Purpose to our fellows. To seek and to save. To promote the redemption of all. To go into the world and make disciples.
Such is not spiritual passivism. Such is our application of salt and of light unto the world about us! If the salt has lost its saltiness it is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot of men (cf., Matthew 5: 13).
Again ... what does salt do? It delays the decay of meat – but it does not keep it from rotting if left alone. Salt gives the meat a savory flavor and an extended shelf life.
In the same way, our ‘salty’ words may give a longer shelf life to others – and a greater opportunity for a useful purpose – spiritual nutrition of men and women who otherwise would not know Him.
Every earthborn is in the process of rotting – lawlessness and disobedience leading to certain death.
A word “in season” to any person may become “salt” in their lives – delaying their demise so that they may have time to learn of Him and His remarkable Plan of Salvation, and be saved from destruction.
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2 Corinthians 4:3
The world is burning!
Only His people can snatch the embers out of the fire in certain instances, saving the last Gentile from His wrath!
The present rampage will be lethal to some. The participants’ close contact, the transfer of bodily fluids in coughs, sneezes, even in normal speech, can be deadly when issuing from a carrier – one infected with the Covid-19 virus. But their vile conduct in these infernal riots, burnings, and lootings is ungodly – a different kind of offense.
The certain transmission of the possibly fatal infection is certainly affected by such conduct. But the greater result is not the respiratory failure, the high fever, and the terminal disability of one person.
The greater result is eternal death in Sheol. It is THIS result which the Believer should wish to abolish. And that may result only from a word spoken in season and in sincerity to those who are hostage to vile and ungodly behavior.
Our personal restraint of evil, even in small ways, delays God’s retribution and gives some an opportunity to escape destruction...
<>HEL ~2,000 words. An eTPL30 Circular Letter Published June 4, 2020.
A Crucial Discussion of Isaiah 26: 19-21
An eTPL30 Analysis
We confess to our own inability for many years to arrive at a satisfactory understanding of portions of the last three verses of Isaiah 26 – verses 19-21. Several options seemed possible but none was entirely satisfactory – all lacked a satisfying conclusion...
We have long ruminated on the mysterious “chambers” of verse 20: “Come, My people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast ... and the immediate action (verse 21) of the LORD coming out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity....”
Note carefully that in these words we see a certain forward progression from “My people” entering into their chambers, to the LORD “coming out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.”
The last phrase is entirely clear; it is an event which we have expected and hoped for during long decades of recent time.
We must keep that sequence of events in our minds as we try to understand these three verses... Isaiah 26: 19-21.
The Era of the Resurrection of the Dead
The first verse of this trilogy reads as follows...
Isaiah 26:19 - Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
This text addresses the time when “Thy dead men shall live,” so it obviously refers to the era of the resurrection of the responsible dead at the Second Advent.
All the details of these verses refer to that crucial time...
Earlier verses of this chapter give summary details of the historical scattering of Israel and of her restoration and resurrection in the end time.
Now we come to the actual time of the Second Advent, and its integrally-connected resurrection of the responsible dead of all ages...
Danger to Israel on the Increase
At the present time, it should be readily apparent that the people of Israel are in a greatly increasing degree of jeopardy from their enemies round about. Their deepening danger has in a sense been similar to that of a woman in the natural distress of childbirth, her labor pains now coming more and more frequently and with greater intensity as her deliverance comes. These are signals of the approach of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the birth of a new age!
By its consistent victories, the Israeli state has developed steadily toward this terminal destiny of imminent final delivery from its enemies and is now on the cusp of redemption itself.
These earlier, singular advances of the Jewish state shall pale into insignificance compared to Messiah’s work in bringing Israel into the light of His countenance – into the full light of His glory and purpose. Luke 1: 71-74; Isaiah 11, q.v.
The Tension Builds
The tension builds as we have seen especially during the beginning years of this twenty first century – their enemies growing steadily stronger, their forces increasing their vile threats, their armaments improving and compounding against God’s People. Hamas and Hezbollah, along with the PLO and the Pales******* are aching for victory over the hated “Zionist entity.”
So how may we view the outlook as of today?
Our tentative conjecture is in the following details...
It proposes an explanation which may be entirely valid. On the other hand, we have no crystal ball, so these suggestions may not come about at all. We dedicate our studies diligently to look ever forward, with high expectancy. Please take our view for what it’s worth.
As the year 2020 came in, a sudden and drastic change of an entirely different kind came about in the world to confuse the picture and to move events forward, hopefully, toward the Believer’s and Israel’s final redemption.
This series of events places us at the present time...
The prospects now upon the threshold may well soon bring about that glorious state of things for His People ... the victorious conditions prophesied in Isaiah 25: 6-8, q.v.
In early January 2020, the news of a new virus having arisen in China becomes prominent in the news media. Apparently many Chinese citizens of Wuhan Province have succumbed to it and great numbers are becoming gravely ill with the respiratory devastation of a new Coronavirus, later to be designated Covid-19.
At the time, the US economy was at a boiling point. The Dow Industrials were about to soar upward through the dizzy heights of 30,000! Unemployment in all sectors was at a near all-time low. Wages were rising nicely. Consumer confidence was at a high watermark. The president’s approval rating was very high. The opposition party (the Democrats) was (and are) in disarray...
Skipping over the details of the dramatic rise of this epidemic, we advance about two months – to early March 2020.
At that time the American president recognizes the gravity of the epidemic – that it is now a pandemic (worldwide in scope) – and amid some controversy, has already cut off travel to and from China and other nations where the virus has become established. He begins to tighten other limitations.
He insists that the US population undertake self-isolation – the separation of citizens from other in public places by at least six feet.
Spring school terms are canceled.
Public businesses begin to close, including hotels, resorts, restaurants, and bars.
Infections of Covid-19 ravage the passengers of cruise liners.
Airlines cancel thousands of flights, reducing service to a minimum.
The economy begins to shrink precipitously as people start to avoid large gatherings such as sporting events and religious services.
The president advises that the citizens exercise the best practices of isolation of themselves from each other in order to suppress the transmission of the mysterious, invisible, and deadly virus.
This measure reduces travel even more sharply. Much of the nation’s commerce halts.
Gas prices start to fall ... and the NYSE stock prices show signs of imminent collapse, as the Dow Industrials drop by a thousand points a day.
Complicating the economic picture, oil prices also begin to fall sharply.
Saudi Arabia asks Russia to join the Saudis in cutting crude oil production, hoping that action will stabilize prices (a ploy which has worked well in the past). But Russia refuses, ostensibly in an effort to keep oil prices so low that the American oil-shale fracking operators, especially, would be forced to cease their operations.
The price plunges to around $20 per barrel of West Texas crude oil. (Russia is said to “need” oil to be priced at $80/bbl or greater in order to break even. But Putin insists they keep pumping crude!)
There is widespread panic among the world’s population as families begin in earnest to isolate themselves and limit their exposure to other people as much as possible.
As of today, March 26th, the three members of our immediate family rarely venture outside our home except to visit a doctor’s office – and have not done so for almost two weeks...
We are in self-imposed isolation within our home.
We have entered into our private rooms and are seldom emerging for any reason.
And so have approximately 30% of all the other people in the world according to a Fox News report earlier today!
It is this phenomenon that we now address.
After a few days of self-isolation, we have come to realize that we have read a prediction of these precise conditions in our Bibles.
The pointed words of Isaiah 26 come racing from the back of our minds as descriptive of our current state of affairs.
Why hadn’t we thought of this connection before now?
The prophet wrote, in the second verse of the trilogy, Isaiah 26:20 - Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
We suddenly realized that we were experiencing this condition at the present time ... and that the details of its onset as described by Isaiah perfectly fit our present circumstances – and the stance of perhaps nearly all Believers throughout the world!
After all, we have been expecting the termination of these days (this dispensation) for several years, and realize soberly that the day of its arrival is possibly very, very near.
That expectation includes the sudden arrival of the LORD from heaven to start His conquest of the earth’s heathen peoples ... and the conclusion of Israel’s conflict with her neighbors on all sides (round about her).
The verse warns of his “indignation” being leveled against the evil enemy or enemies.
The last verse in the trilogy spells out the dedicated objective of our expected LORD...
Isa 26:21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth (eretz) for their iniquity: the earth (eretz, usually Israel) also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain (i.e., be un-avenged).
Have His People Already Begun to Execute His Bidding in this Affair?
We believe that “His people” along with many others of the whole earth may already be fulfilling at this moment in time the clear directive ... the certain instructions of this 21st verse!
We are convinced that the earth in general is overdue for its great purging, and cleansing.
The Second Advent of the LORD from heaven shall be the first palpable act in the execution of these serial judgments upon the peoples of the earth, in which He has suddenly instilled such a depth of universal fear and panic.
We believe the above proposal bears readers’ most sober attention.
It may still take some indeterminate length of time for the events to unfold.
Our Father is in complete control – and doesn’t have to hurry His plans for our benefit.
Our mission is to remain firmly in control of our lives and those of our loved ones as best we can ... and to trust implicitly in His judgment in this present crisis.
It may well be that the moment for which we have longed has finally arrived – the imminent return of the LORD Jesus Christ to the earth, with His objective of bringing it into subjection to the Almighty in every way.
Think of it!
In just days the Lion of Judah may actively be in fierce conflict with His initial foes, and rapidly be establishing His reign of peace and righteousness upon the earth as foretold by all the prophets of Israel throughout God’s word!
The prophecy of Isaiah 26: 19-21 is a terminal forecast. Its fulfillment will result in the fruition of The Hope of Israel, which is labeled upon each of His baptized believers – validated by the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant marking our bodies – i.e., his shed blood identifying those men and women of Covenant ... all of us praying fervently for His appearance and Kingdom. <>HEL ~1700 words. An eTPL30 Analysis Published March 26, 2020.
Are the Fears About Covid-19 Overblown?
An eTPL30 Opinion
The present pandemic of Coronavirus (Covid-19) has arisen suddenly and pervaded the world. Its sudden emergence only several weeks ago has struck fear into the hearts of the world’s people as few other widespread infections ever have.
Predictions of its future extent are calamitous and reflect genuine panic among all mankind.
But there is another virus – similar in makeup to coronavirus – which is ravaging the world population; and it is drawing much less overall attention.
That virus is divided into several strains that cause influenza.
We hear admonitions throughout the fall and winter, anonymous voices and printed warnings advising everyone to “Get your ‘flu shot!” And seniors are advised to request the highly-potent “superflu” vaccine with about four times the complement of antigens as the standard one.
Although we cannot yet know the scale of the Covid-19 pandemic, we do know that the world loses 290,000 to 650,000 people to the flu, globally, per year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Yet that devastating prospect does not raise the warnings and the fear seen with Covid-19.
So we wonder sincerely ... is the Coronavirus pandemic overblown?
Can it possibly be a threat sent into the world and greatly heightened by divine will?
As such, can it be a warning to all mankind that they should be paying serious attention to their affairs – their lately adopted practices of yet heightened ungodly behavior, and their gross acceptance of ungodly conduct of their lives?
In the United States, the flu season is (in March) in full swing and so far at least 12,000 people have died between October 1, 2019 and February 1, 2020 – which is just four months. This figure is from a survey of monthly reported data, but the number of deaths could be as high as 30,000 in the USA.
So we sincerely wonder about the present “scare” being promoted due to Covid-19.
In light of those stats, we highly suspect that there may possibly be another factor at work to cause the obvious panic that we see running wildly through the population.
Part of that motivation could be the unknown character of the Covid-19 pestilence. Although its overall effect is nearly the same as influenza – death from pneumonia being its worst result – its virility (infectivity) seems to be several times greater than that of influenza, so that is a worrying factor.
But that worry alone seems exaggerated.
Could there be another underlying reason for it that we may not have considered?
Pestilence has always been a tool which has been used by the Almighty in His punishment of various populations and to bring about His will among His enemies. By pestilence, He has often warned of future events of far more grave import...
The Egyptian culture was destroyed by ten plagues (pestilences all) which brought about the deliverance of the children of Israel from bondage to the birth of Israel as a nation. The final crowning blow in the series was the mysterious death of all the firstborn of Egyptian people and livestock as the record bears out: And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle. Exodus 12:29
In Numbers 21, the People murmured against the Manna which God had provided. As a result, God sent poisonous serpents among them and their bite killed many Israelites. The scourge was stemmed only when Moses at God’s instruction cast a bronze serpent and placed it upon a pole so that the bitten victims, looking to that symbol, lived. The parallel case is that men and women “bitten” by the curse of mortality may be delivered (through baptism into His name) by “looking” unto Jesus, a mortal man but Son of God Who similarly was brought through the fires of mortality and raised upon a pole of death – an act of faith which brings healing to all mortals who obey.
The Prophet Jeremiah conveyed YHVH’s warning to His People Israel of His impending destruction of their nation because of their errant ways – their disobedience: And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers. Jeremiah 24:10. The result was desolation of the land and people for 2,000 years...
The sin of David's unadvised numbering of Israel (we had earlier nominated his sin of adultery with Bathsheba as being the cause, but that was erroneous) resulted in many thousands of innocent Israelites being slain according to 1Chronicles 21:14 - So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.
Finally, pestilence is noted by Jesus Himself as being a feature of the tribulations of the end-time, for he warned, in Luke 21:10, Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: 11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
It is notable that the other disruptions of this statement in addition to pestilences are also prominent in these last hours of the end-time, in our opinion.
At no time in past history as now have so many nations risen against other nations at the same time – kingdom against kingdom.
Great earthquakes are increasing, and markedly so since the year 2000 even being reported from the most remote locations on earth.
Famines have been prominent in poorer nations of the earth as populations have boomed. Today vast portions of Africa, Saudi Arabia, and South Asia are being ravaged by vast hordes of locusts – some groups as large as the city of Rome ... billions of the voracious insects devouring entire small farms in less than a minute! This level of crop destruction can only result in widespread famine.
And now, following upon the scourges of influenza, and the lesser threats of Ebola, MERS, SARS, and several other late-arising pestilences, we are experiencing the dynamic and aggressive invasion of Covid-19, shrouded as it is with mystery, its full danger still not defined, and utterly unprepared-for by the nations.
Our conclusion is that it is possible that the Covid-19 pandemic is a rumor from the Lord that His Son is about to return to the earth – a final call to repentance for the whole world. As such, it is clearly a warning flag of the terminal birth-pangs of a woman about to bring forth new life into the world.
He has not left His people (and those who would be His) without adequate instructions for the end-time. The Way is open to every man and woman of good will. The Prize of Immortality is free to all who will “... buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.” Revelation 3: 18.
Only by such personal spiritual commerce (“buying”) may his admonition given by Solomon be fulfilled: “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.” Proverbs 23:23. <>HEL ~1200 words. An eTPL30 Opinion Published as a Circular Letter on March 24, 2020.
End of a Standoff?
An eTPL30 Analysis
Considerations of the Current Crisis
January 8 (to the 16th): the White House. President Trump had just concluded his comments on the delayed retaliation of Iran against American forces by firing 15 missiles against them in Iraq. Given that there were no American casualties in the missile attack on the Ain al-Assad airbase near Baghdad, the US president announced that the conflict essentially has been ‘defused.’
He said the US will impose additional sanctions on Iran in the wake of the attack.
The Iranian economy is being squeezed and crushed unmercifully by the sanctions already in place, and by the elimination of its oil sales to outside customers. Its currency is dropping rapidly in value (causing inflation); it is having extreme difficulty having any trading transactions financed or paid for in the world banking system. Its population is becoming increasingly restless...
It is interesting that Iran has such tight control over Hezbollah and Hamas that no ‘rogue missiles’ were launched against US forces or against Israel from Lebanon or even from Gaza in the recent episodes.
What do these proxies now do? Will they remain loyal to the leadership in Tehran? Probably so, given that they are dependent upon the Iranians for their operational funds including salaries. Will they continue to remain dormant? Probably not, but will resume their recent habits of attacking Israel ...
But their non-response during this standoff gave a lie to Iran’s previous claims that it cannot control its proxies in Gaza and in Syria/Lebanon; they CAN (and did) control them in this recent flare-up! It was perilously important to Iran that they stand still and let Iran handle this episode.
It is strange that Israel has not been prominently mentioned by Iran as a possible target whereas earlier they had threatened to leave Tel Aviv and Haifa in ashes. It fired no missiles into Israel as a ‘warning’ to the US against retaliation. And Israel has also been relatively silent during the faceoff.
And it seems significant to us that Prime Minister Netanyahu is still in the office of the prime minister ... and apparently will continue to occupy that position until an election proves definitive of some other outcome. The unprecedented third Israeli election within a year is due in March; his position is secure until after that time in our understanding.
We have long felt (without any real proof) that PM Netanyahu is a man of great destiny in the current turmoil – and that he has an important role to play in imminent future events. It’s just a deeply-felt conviction that he is the man of the hour ... and is supported by the fact that, by hook or by crook, against all odds, and in the face of legal actions, he remains in office and is still head of the government in Israel.
Does God have a special task in store for Bibi Netanyahu?
We cannot forecast such an outcome, obviously, but everything seems to be indicating that direction of things.
Iran’s news for internal consumption after its “counter-attack” was that 80 members of the US military were killed in retribution for the killing of General Soleimani ... a fact that was denied by the military authorities at the airbase that was attacked. President Trump announced, with great satisfaction, in the immediate wake of the Iranian salvo that NO Americans were even touched by the Iranian attack.
It seems obvious that that outcome was carefully engineered by Iran because it knows it cannot win a war with the US and Israel. And that is the primary reason, in our opinion, why Iran (although making a lot of ‘noise,’) is virtually feckless in the present conflict in the long run. It realizes even now, that it CANNOT successfully confront Israel in a larger conflict, and that is the real reason why its most notable activity is reserved for the Gogian conflict that is yet some time ahead.
We believe Iran’s conclusion already is, though perhaps they don’t yet realize the fact, that they have to have a LOT of help in that dogfight, and that is the reason why Iran (Persia) is prominently featured along with the Russian Bear (paper tiger?) in the battle-scenes of Ezekiel 38/39.
Speculation has been also: Is NATO to become more involved in this conflict, as some, including Mr. Trump, have proposed? Are France, Britain, Germany, and even China and Russia to become more involved? This would offer an “off-ramp” to defuse the conflict – to blunt it away from a more defined US/Israel confrontation with Iran. Those nations do not seem to be interested in an arms-length confrontation with Iran at the present time!
The message tweeted in the aftermath of the Iranian attack on Ain al-Assad airbase said that Iran had ‘concluded’ its operations. Perhaps that is true for now.
Having said all the above, we are not disturbed by these recent events – and do not see them as ‘out of the sequence’ in the overall prophetic consideration of the end-time wars of Israel.
We honestly believe them to be almost irrelevant, minor chess-moves in the long-term picture.
Iran’s influence within the lands between the rivers, in our thinking, is not even significant given that it has not even been mentioned by the prophets of Israel in the present conflict. We have found not a word uttered about them relating to this present era of the conflicts of Israel with the nations.
Iran’s important role, according to the prophets, will develop as a later feature of her aggression against Israel linked with her prominent other partner - Gog. But one fact seems obvious: Whatever active assets that she (and Russia) have established within the lands between the Rivers will be summarily destroyed in the victorious march of the Christ of the Second Advent! Obadiah, Psalm 83, Isaiah 11 and other testimonies make that destiny clear; and there shall be none of them remaining there...
The same is true concerning Russia’s current presence in the same arena – it involvement in the present conflict again not even mentioned by any of the prophets of Israel.
Are either of the antagonists even aware, yet, of their future destiny? Probably not...
Trey Yingst (Fox) opined: This is an historic moment for the Trump administration; by doing absolutely nothing he has defused the confrontation.
The president’s lack of retaliation should make Iran grateful, but it probably won’t do so. The defense minister of Iran said that any retaliation for Iran’s attack on the Assad base would be met with ... essentially “hellfire.” Oh! I think the US and Israel are soooo scared...
To reiterate: President Trump has given the opportunity of a lifetime of an off-ramp to Iran for its aggression. The US is no longer dependent upon anyone else for its crude oil, being imminently self-sufficient. So it can no longer be held hostage to that formerly enormous threat. At the same time, President Trump is not entering another endless ME war effort ... indeed has specifically disavowed such an intention.
Having said that, this is not the end of the conflict with Iran. They have a very long memory and will continue their usual intentions, indeed they have not given them up for a moment. Iran’s internal stress is phenomenal, and will not ease up. More and more, observers see that its people are greatly dissatisfied with their leadership – a leadership which is growing rapidly older; its Supreme Leader is said to be suffering from cancer and may not have long to live.
During the last several days we have seen a sea change, too, within Iran’s population. They are heard frequently chanting “Death to the mullahs!” and “Death to Khameini,” an overt act of resistance taken on pain of death in most cases. They continue to pour into the streets in mass protests of their government and its practices.
We’ve seen several photographs of the civilian population avoiding walking on the Israeli and American flags painted on sidewalks and at the entrances of mosques (where people deposit their shoes before entering). It must be disconcerting to the mullahs to see such sympathetic behavior toward their antagonists!
<> HEL ~1400 words. An eTPL30 Analysis. Published as a Circular Letter Jan. 16, 2020
Crisis in China and the World – the Wuhan Corona Virus
Pestilence Watch
January 31. We have never even heard of this Chinese city of Wuhan – with nine million inhabitants in central China – but it is now on official lockdown because of the outbreak of a new Corona Virus there about a month ago. An estimated sixty million people in China are now under effective quarantine!
You may inquire, “Just what is a Corona Virus?” It is a virulent single-cell organism classified as a virus which is microscopic and features projections all over its surface similar to the spikes of a crown. Thought to be spread by primarily respiratory droplets (coughs, sneezes, nasal discharges and contamination of surfaces by the virus), it falls within the same biological grouping as the SARS virus (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) which also originated in China several years ago. Other organisms which appear to express similar pathology include the Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) of about the same era, although this latter organism is a bacterium.
A common characteristic of all these troublesome pathogens is that they have the ability to “mutate” rapidly and to become antibiotic-resistant in the case of MRSA. Viruses are not usually treatable with antibiotics per se, but these particular ones are also extremely adept at resisting effective clinical medical management.
We don’t know very much about the Corona Virus yet, but it is said to be similar in clinical effect to the SARS virus: is contracted by droplet infection, confers a lower respiratory infection with low-grade fever at first, later spiking to much higher levels; cough – often accompanied by blood; anorexia; extreme malaise; dehydration; muscle aches and pains; even possible pneumonia, liver damage, and severe diarrhea.
The symptoms are therefore similar to influenza – a much more common illness around the world, and to this date, one that is far deadlier.
But that estimation may change...
One might wonder why so much attention is being given the Corona Virus when influenza is much more widespread. Up to 60,000 people a year die of “flu” in the USA quite often, even in light of the availability of an effective vaccine for its prevention. Corona Virus has no vaccine as yet and it will require about a year before one can be developed.
Meanwhile it could get quickly out of control and cause widespread havoc worldwide.
That’s why such a concerted effort to contain it within China is being made at the outset. Some medical authorities believe that the number of infected people is far greater than the 9,000 Chinese victims claimed as of today – some estimating as many as 100,000 victims in China at the moment! Many distrust the statistics of the inscrutable Chinese, who like every despotic regime always tries to cast the best light on any such adversity that arises.
Meanwhile, anyone who has arrived within the last few days from anywhere in China at US airports is being screened for elevated temperatures, cough, malaise, and chest congestion before being cleared to enter the country. One chartered plane full of more than 200 evacuees landed earlier in the week at March Air Force Base, at Riverside, California, and were quarantined for three days to check for emerging signs and symptoms of the disease.
At this moment the US has only five or six cases – but it also has one case in which the organism was passed from person to person. Originally, the disease is thought to have originated in snakes, bats, or other “exotic” animals sold as food in Chinese “wet markets” which are prevalent in Wuhan as throughout China. That person-to-person victim was a gentleman who contracted the disease from his wife who had just returned from China and is under treatment in Chicago. So far the only deaths have been in China. The US cases are thought to be responding well to the appropriate treatment regimens.
The infectivity level of Corona Virus is thought to be lower than the SARS virus to which it is being compared at the present time ... about 1/20th as infective. That means its virulence – its ability to infect – seems to be lower than SARS by a great deal. But given its propensity for viral mutation – its propensity for unpredictable and abrupt changes to its response to medical treatment – it could easily break out into a raging worldwide epidemic in an instant ... a fearsome prospect to say the least.
The US Communicable Disease Center in Atlanta is coordinating all this country’s efforts to head off the disease in the US as well as to assist the Chinese government in its effort to defeat it in China.
Our interest in this disease flows naturally from our own interest in all things medical, but we also realize this outbreak to be illustrative of the Biblical forecast of Jesus himself when, speaking of the end-time He said, And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Luke 21:11.
It is evident that mankind is now seeing these prophecies come to pass frequently as an uncommon number of previously-unknown exotic diseases have suddenly broken out in various parts of the earth – most of which have been untreatable by medical means and have caused widespread agony and death. We think readily of AIDS, Ebola, resurgent TB and malaria, SARS, MRSA, and many others which have wrought havoc widely in the world.
As to the above quotation, earthquakes are also much more frequent and severe in the 21st century than at any recent time in history – and earthquakes are closely allied to volcanic activity which has also increased greatly; famine is widespread in the earth even in light of the most advanced agricultural science in history. Violent storms of several categories have set records in the near past: cyclones, typhoons, tsunamis, and hurricanes.
Our fervent prayer is that the Master will make His appearance at the earliest possible time in order to establish a perfect bastion of resistance to these, and the deliverance of all His people from their effects. <>HEL ~1,000 words. An eTPL30 Circular Letter Circulated January 31, 2020.
The Panic Builds Worldwide
An eTPL30 Opinion
March 12, 2020. The NCAA Basketball Playoffs will be played before empty stadiums (imagine the ominous squeaking of sneakers on the hardwood being the dominant sound in a cavernous arena hosting thousands of empty seats).
Israel has shut down the operations of El Al, the national airline (imagine Ben Gurion’s terminals completely void of noisy lines of passengers).
The entire nation of Italy is under quarantine (imagine vacant streets in Rome, locked and shuttered opera houses in Florence, a complete cessation of autobahn traffic in the Mont Blanc tunnel, and no traffic into and out of the Vatican).
As the well-tuned functions of international business have been disrupted the US Stock Market has dropped trillions of dollars in value as the Dow Jones Industrial Average suddenly plummeted more than 20 percentage points below recent highs – descending into “bear market” territory for the first time in years after a notable advance of thousands of points in recent time.
Since last October-December, Covid-19 has emerged ... and the number of known infections of a strain of the coronavirus has exceeded 100,000 persons worldwide and has prompted the World Health Organization to declare the outbreak a “pandemic,” meaning a disease that has attained worldwide dispersion.
It has instilled fear in the hearts of men and women all over the world.
The world has been turned upside down.
International leaders are turned aback by developments far beyond their control or management.
A bombastic, dedicated president of the United States has finally met his sinister match by an invisible, inscrutable, finite pathogenic organism that is fatal to a goodly number of persons who contract it, giving him sudden pause ... bringing his frustrated but sober consideration to a plague of monumental proportions which defies all his attempts to bring it to a halt.
Donald John Trump, the 45th president of The United States, has been stifled by an entity that he does not understand and by science that is well beyond his knowledge.
In so saying, we are not criticizing Mr. Trump.
Our comments are not political in any way.
The man has been blessed in his tenure, we believe, because of his considerate treatment of our Father’s People, the Jews of Israel, as they actively gather back into their promised inheritance in these perilous times as commanded by their God.
His achievements of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, of moving the US Embassy to the city, of acknowledging Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and recognizing Israel’s right to annex its own lands in Judea and Samaria which for 2,000 years have been usurped by outsiders – all these deeds have factored into Mr. Trump’s high standing among the more civilized portion of mankind today – and, we believe, in the favor of the God of Israel.
Has the Almighty not long ago stated His irreversible foreign policy in His promise of Genesis 12, that Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, and whoever curses Israel shall be cursed?
But in opposition to the secret principles of the inscrutable Plan of the Ages, the inveterate Innovator, Mr. Trump, has arrived at a place in which conventional remedies are no longer workable. And it really isn’t his fault.
But it results from his unawareness of the now emerging visible Purpose of our Father – His Biblical edict – that His Land shall not be divided. That His people exclusively have a divine right to their land, and no others.
It is a principle that fractures the prevailing, lately-prominent insistence of “political correctness” which some are striving to apply ... and which will be their ultimate downfall and will finally silence them forever.
His “Deal of the Century” is the most generous solution – the most deferential, the most advantageous to the Pales****** people – that has ever been proposed by far.
Yet it has been met by an immovable wall of resistance from the principally benefitted peoples, the Islamic Arabs of the PLO, of Hamas, of Hezbollah, and of al-Fatah – to a man the adherents of another scrawny deity of the Canaanites called Allah.
The overall effect has been the frustration of all their plans – the stilling of their movement against the Creator of the universe and even of themselves ... and has resulted in the panic that is evident in all nations this day – men’s hearts literally failing them for fear as they begin to comprehend the enormity of the far-reaching threat of this mysterious foe that individually is less than 1/100th the size of a red blood cell, but whose collective effects could easily outpace that of the Black Plague.
Mankind has met his match.
It remains to men and women of goodwill to make the interpretation of these events known to their fellows – to speak to the hearts of the “innocent” victims, many (most) of whom, like those of Noah’s day, give no credence or allegiance to God’s will or word. They are similar to Noah’s neighbors – aptly described as being ... disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. 1Peter 3:20.
The events of the immediate future will be parallel to the destructive waters of the flood of Noah, but will instead consist of the “fire of His wrath” upon the errant populace (2 Peter 3: 7, 12). In that earlier day, God ... spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; 2Peter 2:5.
In our present-day the saved of the LORD shall be more numerous ... but perhaps not by much.
Many are called, yes ... but we are scripturally advised that few are chosen. The nations of the world have been led astray by cunningly revised views of the saving elements of God’s Truth, and therefore know few real facts relating to salvation.
Most of them don’t even know its definition.
So they really have no viable goal in life...
The instructive voice of the true Believer is tantamount to shouting into a wild and stormy wind ... difficult to hear and even harder to understand due to the distracting elements surrounding them. But we continue to strive to publish abroad His Way in the face of such difficulties, for our dear heavenly Father gives the increase entirely separate from our influence or supervision. <>HEL ~1100 words. An eTPL30 Opinion Published March 12, 2020.
“We are in a Desperate War”
An eTPL30 Analysis
The nation and the world are suddenly immersed in deadly warfare. The call to “Rally round the flag, boys!” might be too dramatic for our present circumstance ... but as it relates to our faith, would be an appropriate appeal. The newly-arisen coronavirus strain known as Covid-19 presents a lethally sinister character of invisibility, stealth, virility, infectiveness and versatility as to its ability to mutate.
It is a formidable enemy!
We believe times such as these are indicated in the Master’s warning of Luke 21:
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven (the ruling powers – presidents and kings) shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Yes, I know we have been expecting this worsening condition for at least seventy years – since the rising of the State of Israel (budding of the Fig Tree) – but no series of events in the past has come anywhere near causing the worldwide fear and trepidation as the coronavirus, Covid-19.
Conditions are more threatening today than at any time in my personal memory.
This morning I donned my fragile face mask, gloves, and jacket and drove to local stores to purchase a few basic food and household items.
I quickly discovered that many commodities suddenly were no longer in stock.
There does not yet seem to be a shortage of warehouse supplies at this early date. But these have to be delivered to local markets so they are available to consumers.
The severe shortage of basic items on store shelves is already prevalent. Long stretches of shelving are completely bare. At Sam’s Club I was told that the biggest problem so far is that the supply trucks have been delayed because there are not enough workers to assemble and load the trucks that restock the sprawling store. A worker at Sam’s told me today that trucks scheduled to arrive on Monday are often delayed until Wednesday or Thursday because people (order pickers and loaders) at the distribution warehouse are absent. Meanwhile, the shelves are empty...
Many people are sequestering themselves and are afraid to go to work for fear of being infected ...
But there are overlying problems, too. We have seen the TV footage of people fighting in supermarkets over the last loaves of bread. Tempers are easily flaring into fist-fights.
Things are getting dicey.
So people have to become self-reliant ... to get back to basics. All of us may have to get along with much less than usual for a while, making our own bread, and learn to do household chores, repairs and maintenance for ourselves (our rain-gutters need cleaning at the present time, but I don’t feel confident at the top of a 24-foot extension ladder anymore).
But there are more basic skills that may be needed.
Do you know how to shut off the natural gas supply to your home?
Or how to turn off the main electrical switch (your home may have two or more circuit-breaker boxes, so which is the right one?).
How about the accessibility to your water meter and its shut-off valve? It’s often hidden deep within a small manhole at the curb in front of your house.
On my shopping excursion this morning several tiers of the long stretches of shelving for bread were conspicuously bare at Sam’s Club, at Weis Markets, and at Aldi. A few packages of raisin bagels and less than a dozen packs of baked dinner rolls were inviting customers, but there was not one loaf of bread, either white or whole wheat in sight at any of the three!
We much prefer homemade bread anyway, so I diverted to the aisle where unbleached white flour is available – so far, in adequate stock. Our bread machine will be unusually busy during the next several weeks – but no worry, the product is far tastier ... and nutritious.
Fear is setting in
After the surprising 3,000-point drop in the Dow Industrial Average yesterday, Steve Mnuchin, secretary of the treasury, warned this morning that “We are in a desperate war.”
The same sentiment was voiced by PM Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel, as he vowed to stay ahead of the challenges by canceling all foreign visitors; entry to Israel except Jews who are making aliyah (literally going up – or “returning”) to Israel.
US officials at the president’s press conference this morning said that our present outlook is much worse than on 9/11/2001 when the towers came down.
The urgency of social distancing (self-isolation, essentially) is of grave concern. For many non-essential workers, this means not going to work – which means not earning their salary. Many Americans cannot finance themselves and their family more than about ten days without a weekly paycheck.
Millions of such people are at serious risk of not being able to carry on their lives as usual.
In order to try to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, several of the largest US cities have instituted – or are considering – lockdown: prevention of anyone entering or leaving the city for the duration of the crisis, or at least for two weeks.
That is a drastic measure. It will cause untold financial hurt to the majority of citizens. It has already disrupted entire classes of commerce. It means the loss of employment to nearly every person in the restaurant, hospitality, lodging, education, and travel industries – including restaurants, bars, resorts, airlines, railroads, bus companies, and cruise lines. Not even to mention the endless business offices and shops that will be shuttered indefinitely.
And who knows how long the danger may last?
Some observers are cautiously predicting that it may last until the end of summer. Think of the vast number of shop workers, of factory workers, of office staffs, restaurant and bar employees, of students, and of all the personnel of non-essential firms that are being shuttered – kept from their livelihoods by this challenge.
That can ... and will ... lead to widespread physical violence – or worse.
And just think ... in early January there was hardly a foreshadowing of this calamity!
Less than three months later, the entire world is being disrupted societally on a scale exceeding even WWII, when many neutral countries around the world carried on their internal affairs without much disruption. Today the effect is worldwide.
None are escaping the ominous threats of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic.
Israel Destined to be Without Allies: Why?
We know that end-time events are centered in Israel, the returning People of God, to their Land. The detailed prophecies of Israel’s final conflict with the nations round about Israel (e.g., as in Isaiah 63) reveal that the “Standard” (the resistance) which the Almighty shall raise for Israel’s defense (see Isaiah 59) will be Israel’s ONLY ally ... when “the Redeemer shall come to Zion.” It is a definitive reference to the physical return of Messiah to the world, and to Israel ...
In Isaiah 63, their Champion (the returned LORD Jesus) states that “... of the people (nations) there were none with Me ... I have trodden the winepress alone....”
We have often wondered just what kind of misfortune could be forceful enough to weaken even the most powerful and affluent of nations ... and now we have been shown one very potent one.
Covid-19 is approximately 120nm in diameter. “nm” stands for nanometer, so it measures one hundred twenty billionths of a meter (10 to the 9th of one meter) in diameter, or one hundred twenty millimicrons. As such it is visible only by electron microscopy (far below the resolution of light microscopes) so it was only well defined in 1960.
We had earlier described the Covid-19 as being in size comparable to a red blood cell (RBC), but that was overestimated. A red blood cell has an average diameter of seven microns – which is 7000nm. Covid-19 is about 120nm, so its size is about 1/60th the diameter of the RBC.
It looks remarkably like a floating anti-ship weapon – a “mine.”
The process of its multiplication is roughly as follows (it becomes unbelievably complex): It replicates itself by attaching to other cells in animal tissues by one or more of its bulbous projections, or club-like spikes, and enters the host cell by secreted enzymes dissolving through that cell’s outer membrane. Once inside the host cell, the virus aggressively takes genetic control over the DNA of the cell and repurposes it to make millions of its own kind – a parasite of the most deadly sort.
In this lethal process the host cell (it prefers the cells of the lungs and small intestine) bursts and the millions of viral clones are now released into the bloodstream, each one destined soon to invade another nearby host cell and repeat its replicating activities. In this process the pulmonary cell debris (chiefly the “cilia” cells of the lungs) clog up the area.
Now the body’s immune system recognizes the invasion of a foreign protein (the Covid-19 virus) which has grown intense enough to get its attention. White blood cells are then sent to the area to combat the viruses and to clean up the debris being produced by the viruses.
The immune system also rapidly begins to produce antibodies that may be effective to neutralize the invading virus.
The result is massive tissue breakdown, bleeding into the tiny air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs, producing pneumonia. This entire complication also changes the structure of the lungs into a readily recognizable radiologic picture of the full-blown coronavirus infection. The increasing liquid content (pneumonia) of the lung progressively reduces the oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange mechanism of the normal lungs and the patient essentially suffocates by degrees leading to an agonal death in the most severe cases.
If the patient recovers from the virus the structure of his lungs is changed from that time onward – scarring and stiffening and incapacitation of the normally resilient tissue of the breathing organs.
In this way, an incredibly small (but innumerable) virulent organism can silently attack and overcome normal tissue cells and co-opt their DNA to do the virus’ bidding – to make many millions more just like itself.
The nature and structure of this relatively newly classified and described pathogen was not even clearly conceived prior to 1960 when the emergence of the electron microscope made it initially visible enough to be described and accurately visualized. The scanning electron microscope has extended the scientist’s view down to the atomic level making the organism much easier to examine as to morphology.
That late discovery (1960) gave rise to the relatively new science of virology – a field of study now intensively being developed all over the world for obvious reasons.
It almost seems to have been reserved until the last days to become a recognizable challenge to the medical profession – and to humanity itself – although its ravages extend to much earlier times – recall the Spanish Influenza of 1915-1918, which killed millions of people all over the earth.
Because several biological pathogens (disease-causing organisms) have the propensity rapidly to mutate – to change their DNA composition and to develop resistance to antibiotics and antiviral agents – the outlook for the race seems perpetually challenging and bleak.
The only hope of conquest of these deadly invaders is the supernatural intervention of the Redeemer spoken of by Isaiah the prophet as referenced above – because He is also the Great Physician Who will eradicate all those diseases and maladies, establishing perfection in His new creation, giving everlasting life to His called and faithful brethren ...
Only by that means shall the conditions outlined by the Apostle Paul be attained...
1Corinthians 15:54 - So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
<HEL> ~2100 words. An eTPL30 Analysis. Published March 18, 2020.